“You do this for all the new arrivals?”
“The hot ones, yeah.”
A slight pinkness started to inch up her cheeks, and she looked away from me, but I couldn’t help but notice the small smile on her face. Oh, yeah, she might want to pretend that she was totally in control here, but she was starting to feel the chemistry between us.
“You really shouldn’t be hanging out here,” she remarked, managing to look up at me again.
“Why not?”
“You must have better places to be.”
“I have an hour between now and my next scene call,” I replied. “Don’t worry, I’m all yours.”
She laughed, shaking her head and glancing down at the coffee again. I cocked my head to the side.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’re just—you’re just ridiculous,” she blurted out, finally.
“Ridiculous? How so?”
“You come in here, talking like you’re the star of some cheesy erotic thriller,” she continued, waving her hand at me. “And bringing me coffee, and flirting, and…”
“Hey, I’m not the only one who’s been flirting,” I reminded her. “You really had to adjust my hair yesterday, after you said you were all done?”
She didn’t have a comeback to that, and she knew it. She parted her lips, trying to come up with something to throw back in my face, but she came up short.
“That was different,” she protested.
“Oh, yeah? How so? Enlighten me,” I teased her.
“Because I was doing my job.”
“And I’m just doing mine,” I replied. “Making sure we have a good working relationship.”
She snorted slightly. “Oh, yeah, I’ve heard about the kind of working relationships you have with women.”
“You have?”
“I looked you up last night, after I got off from work,” she confessed, and the color in her cheeks deepened slightly.
“Oh, did you now? So I was on your mind after you left set?”
“I was curious,” she replied with a shrug, as though it should have been obvious. “Given how hard you were coming on to me.”
“Wanted to see if you had any competition?”
She raised her eyebrows at me, smirking. “Wanted to see if that was something you did to every girl you came across. And it seems like it very much is.”
“Is that going to be a problem?”
“As long as you keep the coffees coming, I don’t see why it would be.”
She took a sip of her drink, her lips gliding along the top for a moment. I couldn’t help but notice the soft curve of her mouth, and I could already imagine how good it would feel planted against mine. And, as far as I could tell, she wasn’t in any hurry to kick me out or tell me to get lost. No, she seemed to be enjoying the attention, and I wanted to see just how much more I could coax out of her if I played my cards right. I had a whole hour, after all. And I was sure there was a lot more I could tease loose from her if I tried.
“So that’s what this is about, huh?” I remarked as I took a step toward her, closing the distance between us slightly. “You want me to keep the caffeine coming, and you’ll be good with me hanging around?”
“Well, I’m going to have to see you when you come in to get your makeup done,” she pointed out, almost casually.