“What did you do to her?”
“Exactly what stupid bitches deserve.”
Once my hands are free, I tug down my shirt, the muscles and joints complaining after being held in one position too long, not to mention the abrasions around my wrists that are still bleeding.
“Gimme your hands.” He pulls out zip-ties.
“Please don’t. I won’t give you trouble.”
“Yeah, right. I’m not an idiot.”
“What do you think I’m going to do? I’m outnumbered and don’t have any weapons.”
He frees my ankles. “One misstep and I’ll hogtie you naked. You get me?”
I nod and stand. He shoves me toward the door, and I nearly trip and fall but catch myself and walk into the main area of the cabin. There are instructional papers all over the house on how to use different features, leading me to believe this is a vacation rental.
My eyes land on Amy, who’s sitting on a leather sofa. Her eyes are nearly swollen shut, and she has a blanket wrappedaround her bare shoulders. I don’t want to know what they put her through while I was asleep, though I wonder if she has changed her mind about the women being the ones with the power. She doesn’t look very powerful.
“Are Rocker and Socket back with a car?” Klutch asks.
“Almost. They’re five minutes out.”
“Can I use the bathroom?” I don’t like how quiet my voice is. Seeing Amy has sapped some of my fight.
“Through there. And if you try to pull anything, remember what I said. Rocker, Socket, and Loner would love to break you in before we get to the clubhouse.”
The threat hits me as hard as a fist to the gut, sucking out all my air. I’m hunched as I walk to the bathroom and shut the door. My reflection shows two swollen cheeks, bruises already forming. As if they were waiting until I was alone, unwanted tears spill down my face.
I was fully prepared to wait for Walker to rescue me, but after hearing what Klutch wants to put me through for the next six months, I can’t hope for the best. It’s time I help myself.
“Thank you, Rowan,” I whisper as I reach into my bra. The switchblade that had originally been tucked into the front of my bra had worked its way down and under my pregnancy-enhanced boobs. Klutch must have missed it earlier. Thank god for the crazy man who gave me the blade when I spent the day with him.
A knife won’t save me, though. However, if I can get outside, I might be able to survive until help comes. The window lifts with ease, and I flush the toilet just as I punch the screen out. As fast and as quietly as I can, I lower myself to the ground and take off running.
With it still being winter, I haven’t been outside to explore the terrain. Even if I had, this isn’t Walker’s side of the mountain. I have no idea where I am. All I know is I need a goodhiding place that isn’t too far away. If Walker shows up here, I need to be able to hear him.
Once I’m in the trees, I slow, trying to leave clues without being obvious. Walker and his friends are trained to find people. I have to trust they can find me. My instincts tell me my chances are better out here than in that cabin.
I don’t get far when I hear Klutch cursing up a storm, heading right for me. Fear makes me want to run, but I have to leave clues, so I disturb the land, carve little chunks into trees with the knife, breaking branches as I go.
I feel like I have a good lead until thecrackof a gun going off sounds, and the trunk of the tree in front of me splinters. That’s when I pick up my pace. Weaving through the trees, I try to keep as much cover as I can. The cold air burns my lungs, and my exposed fingers go numb. The sun can’t reach through the thick tree cover, and it’s getting late; it’ll soon be dark. That thought scares me because hypothermia is a real concern if Walker can’t get to me tonight.
It hits me that I might’ve saved myself six months of torture only to die alone in the forest.
Chapter Thirty-Four
We parka half mile away from the cabins. I hate to waste time walking, but we can’t give ourselves away too early. Sticking to the tree line so they don’t see us coming, we make our way closer. We aren’t certain they’ll be here, but we’re putting our trust in the Geezers.
“There’s the Plymouth,” Rowan says.
“Wait a second.” Wilder stops us. “I deputize all three of you. You’re now acting sheriff deputies in Plumas County.”
“Cool. Do I get paid too?” Rowan pulls his gun from his side holster.
“No,” Wilder grumbles.