“Oh, honey. Love ain’t something you just feel. It’s earned, and to be fair, you haven’t even tried.”

She’s right, but she’s also wrong. Yes, love is earned, but it’s also a feeling. The first time I saw Walker, I knew it would take very little for me to love him. There was an immediate,undeniable connection. The only thing I feel with Klutch is repulsion.

“I don’t want to try. He’s mean, and he scares me.”

“He’s not?—”

“He rapes me, Aunt Amy.”

“You don’t understand. A man like him has certain needs. He has lots of people relying on him to lead the club, and that’s a lot of pressure. You can’t blame him if he needs to blow off steam now and then.”

“He has plenty of patch pussy who willingly let him blow off steam,” I seethe. “What he does to me is a power move.”

“That’s not true. He loves you.”

I shake my head, feeling tears spring to my eyes. “If the reason you’re calling is to get me to come back, you’re wasting your time. I’m happy for the first time in fifteen years, and I’m not giving that up.”

“I’m real sorry to hear that. I love you like family and hate that you’re walking away from us, but you’re a big girl and can make your own decisions.” She sniffles, making me feel a pang of guilt. The club is the only family I’ve ever known, and she’s right. I’m walking away from them. “But I wasn’t calling to try to convince you to come back.”

“Then why?”

“Did you hear about the fire?”

My stomach sinks. “No.”

“Apparently, there was some kind of wiring issue at your mom’s house. I’m so sorry, Sky, but it was a total loss.”

“What?” I sink to the floor in the middle of the kitchen. Sprocket rushes over, covering my lap with his warm body and resting his head on my chest.

“I know what that house meant to you, so I thought you should hear it from someone who loves you.”

“I-I can’t believe it.” My mind races, drawing the only conclusion that makes sense. “There was no wiring issue. Klutch did it to get back at me.”

“He’d never. He wanted to live there with you and raise a family, just like your dad wanted.”

“But I ran away, and he realized the house wasn’t enough to get me back.”

“He wasn’t convinced of that. He thought you’d come to your senses if he gave you enough time.”

I’ll never convince her otherwise, so I don’t bother. Wiping away tears, I say, “Thanks for telling me, Aunt Amy. I have to go.”

“Wait. There’s something else.”


“Klutch had us clear the house out, you know, to get it ready for when you came back. I spent all last week moving boxes of photos and some other stuff to a storage unit, and I thought you might want it.”

“Oh my god. Really?”

“Hand to God.”

“I’d love it. What’s your number? I’ll talk to Walker about how I can get it from you.”

“No reason to. When Klutch said the club was going to that little town you’re living in, I asked to come along so I could bring it to you. Let’s meet up.”

“I can’t leave right now.” Walker wouldn’t be okay with me leaving for any reason.

“It has to be now, kid. I lied to Loner and told him because my arthritis was acting up, that riding up there in the cold wouldn’t be good for me, so I brought a cage. No one knows I snuck the boxes in the trunk, and with the guys all busy right now, this is the only time I can get away without them noticing.”