“Can’t be certain, darlin’, but you need to stay the hell home until they leave. I get the feeling this is an intimidation tactic.”
“Before I hand the phone over, can I ask you a question?” I sink onto Walker’s ugly leather recliner.
“Do you think I should go back? Is all of this worth it? First with Jazzy, then the pig, and now this? I just don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me. I mean, I know how Walker feels, but he loves me. I need an objective opinion. Since I know you’ll be honest, I think you’re the right person to ask.”
“The fuck?” Walker asks from the hallway where he must’ve been eavesdropping. “Are you kidding me right now?”
“Here’s what I believe,” Wilder says, and I hold Walker’s gaze as I listen. “Standing up for what’s right and protecting the innocent is not only my job. Those values are embedded in my DNA. You’re innocent, Skylar, and these assholes are nothing but bullies, so I will protect you with my life. All that said, if I were in your situation, I can’t say I wouldn’t be thinking about sacrificing myself for the safety of others.”
“Thanks, Wilder.”
“But Skylar?” he asks, catching me right before I hand the phone over. “I’ve never been in love, but I’d imagine if I was, I’d protect my woman with everything in me. And if she threw that away and left me, it would cut deep. Do you get what I’m saying?”
“Yeah. I do. Here’s Walker.” I hand him the phone and watch as his face transforms from simple anger to absolute rage at the news of the club taking over his town. “Fucking arrest them all.”
I’m sure Wilder’s telling him the same thing he told me. If they aren’t doing anything wrong, his hands are tied. But I have a feeling the crime rate in this sleepy town is about to go up.
Chapter Thirty
I pushmy feet into my boots and grab my coat. This has gone on way too fucking long. It’s time for me and Klutch to have a conversation, but I’m not stupid, so after hanging up with Wilder, I text Rowan.
“Where are you going?” Skylar asks, rushing into the mudroom.
“I can’t leave Wilder to deal with this on his own.”
“What are you going to do? You’re not the police.”
“No, but if shit hits the fan, he’ll need help.” I grip the base of her throat and plant a kiss on her lip. “I’ll be back.”
“Help with what?”
I step into the laundry room and open my gun safe behind the door. “Don’t worry. Nothing will happen. This is just a precaution.”
“You need guns as a precaution?”
I tuck my pistol into the back of my pants and grab my shotgun. I have no intention of using either, but I also won’t becaught with my pants down. “Lock the doors and stay inside. I’ll arm the security once I’m off the property.”
“Walker, please. Don’t do this.” Her eyes glass over, and I almost give in, but it’d be a temporary solution. Klutch isn’t giving up, and if I ever want to live in peace with my wife and our baby, I need to confront this head-on.
“I love you, sweetheart. I’ll be back soon.” I kiss the top of her head and point at Sprocket, who’s jumping around, wanting to go for a ride. “Stay here and protect Skylar.”
As if understanding my words, he plants his ass down at her feet. I take one last look at my wife and walk out the door, waiting until I hear thesnickof the lock to hop in my truck and head down my hill.
I don’t immediately go downtown. Instead, I drive over to Rowan’s place, where we wait for reinforcements. The Sons of Erebus were all too happy to back us up. Apparently, they’ve heard about the Broken Rebels and aren’t impressed with the business they run.
We step outside when we hear the rumble of bikes slowly creeping closer. The driveway is clear of any snow, but it’s all gravel. I glance over at Rowan when eleven bikers come into view.
“Is this a good idea?” I ask.
“Guess we’ll find out.”
“Walker, this is Cyrus, the club’s president.” Rowan introduces me to the older man, who, despite his graying beard and hair, looks dangerous as fuck.
“Good to meet you,” he says in a gruff voice that speaks to years of cigarette smoking.