“Yeah! My armory is fully stocked. I even have some grenades, a machine gun, and an Uzi.” He holds a finger to his lips. “But don’t tell Wilder. That bastard has been wanting a reason to arrest me for years.”
“Aren’t you friends?”
“Yeah, but everyone has a person in their friend group who likes to drum up a little trouble, maybe push the boundaries a little. Well, I’m that person, and for a rule follower like Wilder, I’m literally his worst nightmare.”
“Okay then. Let’s go get into some trouble.”
He offers me his elbow, and we walk back through the snow to where the ATV is parked. After we’re both inside and the engine is running, he glances over at me. “You know, I was worried you were gonna fuck up our vibe, but you’re cool as shit.”
“Thanks. I think you’re cool as shit too.”
He lays on the gas, jerking us forward. “If that douche-canoe even tries to get close to you, I’ll take him out with my Uzi. I don’t even care if Wilder arrests me.”
That actually makes me feel better, so I grin over at him. “Thanks.”
Chapter Twenty-Four
I don’t knowwhat I was expecting to find when I picked up my wife from Rowan’s house, but it wasn’t this.
Standing in the doorway, I go unnoticed because the room is dark, save for the bouncing, multi-colored strobe lights and the light from the TV. Skylar is sitting cross-legged on the sofa, the biggest bowl of popcorn I’ve ever seen resting between her legs. She picks up a handful and chucks it at Rowan, who’s standing in front of her, microphone in hand, belting the lyrics to a bad eighties song.
He’s putting on a full-out performance, complete with an interpretive dance. I wince as he hits a particularly high note. Actually, it’s more screech than anything. Skylar throws her head back in a full-belly laugh. There’s not an ounce of worry on her face, and for that, I’m grateful to my idiot friend, who is probably scaring all the wildlife off his property.
Once the song ends, Rowan notices me. With the mic still in his hand, he says, “And now, we have a surprise performance by none other than the legend himself, Walker Carter.”
Skylar follows Rowan’s gaze until her beautiful eyes land on me. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. And after a day like today, she’s just what I need to chase away the demons nipping at our heels.
She claps and chants. “Walker. Walker. Walker.”
“Come on, buddy. Bless us with a song.”
I stride over to Rowan and take the microphone. He throws both hands in the air and cheers before taking a seat next to Skylar. I wish I could say this is the first time he has talked me into a round of karaoke, but it’s not, so I’m well-versed in how to scroll through songs on his tablet. Landing on the song that has always reminded me of Skylar, I hit play.
A popular hip-hop song from the 2000s plays, and Skylar lights up in recognition. I feel like an idiot as I put on a concert for the two of them. I’m not standing up here alone for long because the second the chorus hits, my wife is on her feet, dancing and singing at the top of her lungs.
I take a second to memorize this moment and be grateful she’s back in my life. Even after the shit show I was just put through, I wouldn’t change a damn thing. Knowing she has managed to fit right in with my friends just makes her all the more perfect.
Looping my arm around her middle, I pull her to me, and we dance and sing together. I ignore the sharp pain in my side because feeling her grind against me has me instantly hard, and that’s when I know it’s time for this party to end. I need to get her home and naked. She’ll need at least two orgasms before I have to give her the details about the day and she sees my ribs.
The song ends, and my girl and my friend cheer like they just witnessed a real concert. I bend down, bringing my lips to Skylar’s ear. “Time to go home, baby.”
“Just one more song?”
I discreetly take her hand and place it over my erection, enjoying how her expression changes from shocked to heated. “No more songs.”
Skylar walks over to the light switch and flips it on. “Party’s over.”
“Really? I haven’t shown you my Macarena yet.” Rowan faux-pouts.
“Next time.” She plows into him, throwing her arms around his middle like she does with me, since she’s pint-sized. “Thanks for babysitting me today.”
He slides his arms under hers and lifts her in a bear hug. “Any time, sugar.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” I grumble. It’s clearly a platonic embrace, but that doesn’t stop my irritation at seeing his hands on my wife.
“Better watch your step, Walker. If you fuck up with her, I’m primed and ready to move in on your girl.” Rowan sets her down.