“Walker.” She covers her mouth with a hand as her eyes gloss over.
Fuck, she’s just as beautiful now as she was back then, back when she broke my heart. Even more so, if that’s possible. My attraction to this woman is more than physical. There’s something deep down in my soul that has been drawn to her since the first time I saw her. It’s that part of me that has my feet moving, inching closer. She does the same until we’re just feet away from each other.
My mouth opens to speak, but nothing comes out. She’s hoping this will be a happy reunion—it’s written all over her face as her brows lift and her lips curve into a small smile.
Say something, asshole. She’s taking point from you.
So I do, saying the first thing that comes to mind. “The fuck are you doing here?”
Chapter Two
My face falls,but it’s okay. I expected this response. Even more than that, I deserve it. Had he left me in Vegas after one of the best nights of our lives, I’d give him the same reception—right after I punched him in the balls. Since I know Walker would never lay his hands on me in anger, I’m already better off.
“We need to talk.” I glance over my shoulder at the pretty woman at the register, who isn’t even pretending not to listen to our conversation, then behind Walker, where three behemoth men stand slack-jawed. “Somewhere private?”
“Not a fuckin’ chance.” He storms outside without a backward glance.
Ignoring the curious looks from the bystanders, I chase after him but by the time I reach the wooden porch of the small grocery store, he’s driving away with a dog in the passenger seat. I growl in frustration. I knew he’d give me a hard time, but I didn’t think he’d outright ignore me.
I fold my arms to stave off the chill as I watch him go. Refusing to cry, I bite into my quivering lower lip. This isn’thow it was supposed to be. I had a plan, dammit. But that was thwarted the moment my eyes landed on Walker—the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on, a fact that’s just as true today as it was when we were young. Maybe even more so because time has been real good to him. His bulked-up frame and beard had him looking like a lumberjack, complete with a red flannel button-down and beanie on his head. Little curls peeked out from around the knit cap, telling me he wears his hair longer now.
I would’ve loved to see what else about him has changed, but apparently, time hasn’t healed his wounds.
There’s no time to jump in my rental car and follow him. Judging by the roaring of his engine, he’s putting as much distance between us as possible right now. Well, hell. What now? I used to have his home address, but for the life of me, I couldn’t find it. My GPS had me going in circles for the better part of an hour before I decided to see if any of the locals could help. Running into him at the grocery store took us both by surprise, but if he thinks he’ll get rid of me that easily, he has another thing coming.
Though I hope he agrees to talk to me sooner rather than later. I was able to buy myself a couple days, but that’s it. Any longer, and Klutch will come after me, and I cannot, under any circumstances, let that happen.
I pinch my brow, knowing what I have to do next. Swallowing my pride, I walk back into the store. The conversation between the three men and Presley, as she introduced herself, goes silent as all four pairs of eyes land on me.
“Hi,” I start, weaving my hands together. “So this is hella awkward.”
The man in the cop outfit steps forward. “Name’s Wilder.”
“Nice to meet you, Wilder. I’m Skylar.”
“Skylar, huh? Walker’s never mentioned you.” His tone is clipped and dismissive. It doesn’t surprise me that the cop read the situation accurately and knows my presence isn’t welcome. I should be offended—even if he has a hunch, he doesn’t know me or why I’m here— but strangely, I’m just happy Walker has friends who care about him. He deserves that.
“Ignore the grumpy bastard.” A man with dirty blond hair and a beard steps forward. Matter of fact, they all have beards. It’s like a damn lumberjack competition up in here. “Hi, I’m Rowan. That one back there is Ridge, but he doesn’t talk much.”
Ridge shoulder-checks him as he holds out his hand. “I talk just fine.”
I smile. “Nice to meet you.”
“So, what brings you to Culver Springs?” Wilder asks.
“I’m an old friend of Walker’s and need to catch up with him for a minute. I don’t suppose any of you want to tell me how to find his place? It’s like the Bermuda Triangle out there. My GPS goes haywire the second I leave the main drag.”
“So you can pound on his door and interrupt his peace?” Rowan asks. With that biting question, my brows draw together and my shoulders fall. I’ll have to track him down some other way. Before I can turn to leave, he speaks up again. “I was just giving you shit. There’s no way I’d miss the chance to fuck with the guy, so of course I’ll tell you how to get there.”
“Thanks—I think.”
“No problem.” He continues to explain the somewhat hidden turn-off that leads to Walker’s house by drawing an invisible map with his hands. Turns out, I drove right past it multiple times.
“What do you want from him anyway?” Ridge asks as I’m gearing up to leave. He’s the only one of these men who makes me uneasy. I can’t get a good read on him.
“A divorce,” I say, turning to leave. Before any follow-up questions can fly at me, I bolt outside and climb into my rental.