“Good.” I lean back, and she wraps her arms around me, directing my head to the crook of her neck. I’m not sure I like her being the one holding me, but it seems to be making her happy, so I’ll let her have it for now.

She sighs, absently tickling her fingers over my chest. “I need to think about a job, but first, I need a car.”

“I’ll talk to Tall Mike about a car. He loves going to auctions and finding cars he can fix up and resell. I’ll bet he has one he’d sell to us.”

“That sounds good. Do you know anywhere in town with a job opening?”

“You don’t need to work, you know. I can support you and the baby.”

Her fingers freeze for only a second before returning to their mindless journey. “I love you for offering, but I need to work.”

“I get that. Just know if that ever changes, especially after the baby comes, we’ll be okay.” I turn my head, and we meet for a brief kiss. “What kind of job are you looking for?”

“I really loved working at the preschool. The kids that age are so excited about every little thing, and even when they’re upset, it only lasts a minute before they’re back to being happy. It’s contagious. I don’t think I would’ve made it through the last couple of years without them.”

“I don’t know of any preschools in town, unfortunately. The few school-age kids who live in Culver Springs are bussed to the next town over. But Lisa Warner runs a daycare out of a small building on her property. I think she only opened it because she was a stay-at-home mom of six kids and figured that was enough to open a business and get a tax break, but she’s taken on a few other kids too. Maybe she needs help?”

“That would be perfect.”

“I’ll introduce you.” As nice as this is, I grow bored of just lying here, so I reposition us so she’s in front. “That’s better.”

“You got water all over the place,” she says, giggling.

“Don’t care. Now lie back and let me play with your tits.”


“Guilty.” Once she’s situated on my lap, I sigh contentedly, her rosy nipples now just above the water line. I trace the tips, watching in fascination as they pucker for me. “I’m the luckiest bastard in the world.”

The water ripples with her laughter. “We’ll see how you feel when they’re all big and bloated and leaking milk.”

“I think I just came a little.”

“My future lactation turns you on?”

“New kink unlocked.” I palm her breasts, feeling my cock harden. “I can’t wait to taste you.”

“I think feeding one human will be enough for me,” she says, but I recognize that breathy tone.

“I read that when you’re breastfeeding and you orgasm, it could cause your milk to let down. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but thinking about you on top of me, your tits leaking as you come apart on my dick? Goddamn. I can’t wait.”

“Okay, that’s enough reading for you. WhenWhat to Expect When You’re Expectingis your pornography, you have a problem.” She turns around to straddle me, my hard cock between us.

“I’ve never looked at a pregnant woman and thought, ‘Oh, she’s hot,’ but the thought ofyourbelly getting bigger does something for me.”

She moves her legs out from under her and bends them so her knees are above water and she can easily grind her pussy on me. “The thought of me being pregnant doing something for you does something for me.”

“Oh yeah?” I squeeze the globes of her ass, pulling her closer.

“Yeah.” She tilts her hips back and forth, holding onto my shoulders.

“Can you come like this?”


“Good. I want you all nice and relaxed for what I’m going to do to you later.”

“What are you going to do to me?” Her nails dig into my shoulders.