“My baby,” I say, resting a hand on her lower abdomen. “He’s just a sperm donor.”

“Well, that changes everything,” Luther says, standing. “Come on, Martha. We need to get home and make some phone calls. Skylar, I swear on everything I am, that scumbag won’t getanywhere near you or that baby. Trust us Geezers. We may be old, but we’re mighty.”

Chapter Twenty-One


“This should be easy.We’ll stop at the crash site so I can take some photos and make a report. Then we’ll go to the station, and you can call the car rental company and go from there.” Wilder shifts the black and yellow, county-issued SUV into drive.

After Miss Martha and Luther left, Walker arranged for Wilder to help me with my wrecked rental. He wanted to come with me, but he has been complaining about the paperwork he has yet to tackle before his first scheduled hike of the season, so I told him I was fine to go alone.

“Good thing I bought the extra insurance, huh?” I say nervously. Wilder isn’t intimidating like Ridge, but he’s Walker’s best friend, and I want him to like me.

The fact that he’s insanely gorgeous doesn’t help my anxiety. His hair is a darker shade of brown than Walker’s, and he keeps himself perfectly groomed. Even his nails are neatly trimmed. Everything about him screams Type A.

“You’re right about that.” He parks next to the black car. “Stay there.”

“Okay,” I mutter to myself after he climbs out. “I guess all these mountain men are bossy.”

Wilder opens my door and holds a hand out for me. “Careful, it’s slippery. Walker’ll skin me alive if I let anything happen to you.”

The sun has been gloriously bright yesterday and today, melting a great deal of the snow, but it’ll be a while before it’s gone. But even with the snow piled around it, it’s clear how lucky I was that I didn’t go over the edge. I peer over the cliff, a shiver running down my spine at the drop.

“It was incredibly dumb to try and get up this hill in a storm like that,” Wilder scolds. “You could’ve gotten yourself killed. Hell, you almost did.”

“I know.” I try to keep the irritation out of my voice, but honestly, who does he think he is?

Take a deep breath, Skylar. He’s Walker’s best friend, and you don’t want to piss him off.

Needing some space from the bastard, I walk over to the driver’s side to where Walker dug a path to the door so he could get my bag out and leave Wilder to make notes and take pictures. Opening the door, I climb in and gather the rest of my stuff, including the rental agreement with the phone number of the company.

Coming here was supposed to be a day trip. It was a stroke of luck I even decided to pack an overnight bag, but I have astigmatism and don’t see well past dark, so I thought if I felt unsafe, I’d pull into a motel for a couple hours. It was also lucky for me I’m not a light packer, because I had a comfy matching set, two pairs of undies, a sports bra, and the jean skirt and long sleeve I had on earlier to meet Miss Martha and Luther. I’ve long since changed back into Walker’s long underwear because, as it turns out, they’re very comfortable.

After collecting the paperwork, the soft blanket I put across my lap when I drive, and my chargers, I push out of the car, but something catches my eye. Thank god it does because I forgot I brought my mom with me. I grab the glass rock and shut the door.

“What’s that?” Wilder asks, scaring me.

I slap my hand over my heart, and in the process, I drop my mom. “Shit. No, no, no.”

Dropping to my knees, I follow the hole Mom made as she fell through the snow. Almost immediately, my fingers burn and turn bright pink, but I don’t care. I can’t lose that rock. My heart races as I frantically dig, my anxiety climbing.

“Move over. Let me.”

I stand, tucking my hands under my arms as Wilder produces a small shovel. It takes him about five seconds to widen the hole enough to reach down and find Mom. He holds it up to the sun, no doubt seeing the various shades of blue swirling together to look like the ocean, and in that ocean are small flecks of gray.

“What’s so important about a glass rock?” He hands it over and folds his shovel. That’s handy. I’ll have to remember to get myself one of those someday, when I can afford a car. My piece of shit wouldn’t do well up here, but also, it’s in Klutch’s name, and knowing him, he’d report it stolen and get me arrested.

“It’s my mom. Well, obviously not my mom, but her ashes.” I hold it tightly, pressing my lips to it until I feel our connection. Then I tuck it in my pocket.

“Shit. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. It was a long time ago.”

“Were you close?” he asks, leading me back to his SUV.

“Very.” I climb into the passenger seat and buckle up, then we’re back on the road. “Do you have family close by?”

“No,” he replies but doesn’t expand. Clearly, he’s not a chatty person, but if we don’t talk, then how will he accept me as Walker’s wife?