At the very least, I can get on board with what he said and just enjoy the time we have together. If it’s the last chance we have, then we should take advantage of it. It’s not a hardship to spend time with a man who’s not only the most gorgeous man in the world but also smart, interesting, and funny.

I clear my throat to break the tension. “I hope I can find the same someday.”

God, he looks irresistible like this—so cool and casual with his low-slung sweats and a worn tee. Even his scruffy beard and mussed hair add to his appeal. I’d be the luckiest woman in the world to get to experience all his rugged sexiness every day.

“We both grew up in chaos. It’s nice to finally be where I belong,” he says, folding his arms across his broad chest. “Just missing someone to share it with.”

“I don’t know how you haven’t found someone.” I pivot so I’m standing in front of him. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, looking a little nervous at my proximity.

“I haven’t exactly been looking. I figure if it’s meant to be, she’ll find me.”

Maybe it’s my need to see the flecks of gold in his eyes, or maybe it’s just my crazed hormones, but a magnetic pull propels me forward. This close, I have to crane my neck to see his expression, which is equal parts curious and reluctant.

“What are you doing, Sunny?”

“What did you mean when you said you wanted to enjoy the time we have?” I rest my hands on his forearms, feeling his corded muscles flex.

“I didn’t mean what you’re suggesting.” He looks me up and down.

Well, that’s an instant hit to my ego. I know I’m not an expert in these things, but there have been moments today when I thought for sure he wanted me. I’m such an idiot.

“Oh.” My shoulders slump, and I turn, but before I can run away and hide, he spins me around and switches our positions so I’m the one backed up against the counter. Then he lifts and settles me on the cold granite. I haven’t even released the disappointment of the perceived rejection when he rests his hands on my thighs and parts them to make room for his body to step close.

“I said that wrong. What I meant was, I’d never assume”—he thrusts against my hot center, and all doubt about his lack of attraction to me goes out the window because his cock is hard as stone—“this. I’d be perfectly fine with just getting to know you again and taking care of what you do to me”—he thrusts again—“in the shower.”

Holy bananas. The words drag out in my mind as I try to grasp what’s going on. Is this really happening? I know I was the one doing all the instigating, but now that the choice is in front of me, can I ignore reality enough to have sex with my ex?

Who am I kidding? I don’t feel an ounce of loyalty to the man I’m engaged to. He deserves much worse than his fiancée sleeping with another man, especially since I have more feelings for this man than I do for him.

“Seems like a waste of a good erection.” My words are breathy and needy, even to my own ears.

He grins, taking my hands and looping them around his shoulders. Once I clasp them behind his neck, his arms circle me in a warm hold that’s so comforting, I could cry. How long has it been since I’ve been treated with care? How long has it been since someone touched me without the intent of hurting me?

“Do you have a better use for it?” he says against my lips.

“Depends on how long you can keep it up.” I sass.

He laughs, and once again, he lifts me, this time into his arms. My legs wrap around him, and I squeal, arguing that I’m too heavy for him to carry when we reach the stairs, but he just scoffs. To prove his point, he takes them two at a time without breaking a sweat.

“Walker! Oh my God, you’re going to drop me.”

“Onto my bed? Yeah, I am.” He releases me onto his mattress, and I land with a little bounce, laughing.

All humor dies when he stares at me with a serious hunger in his eyes. He crawls over my legs, stopping where my shirt has ridden up, exposing a sliver of skin he leans down to kiss. My arms give out under the weight of his attention, and I flop back onto the bed. Pulling the shirt up higher, his lips trail up my abdomen. Having him so close to another of my secrets gives me pause for just a second before pushing away all thoughts and allowing myself to just enjoy.

“Walker, I need you,” I whine.

He stops before exposing my breasts, which thrust up in the air with each of my heaving breaths. “There’s something I should tell you before we go any further.”


“I’m not going to fuck you.”

I lift back up on my elbows, unable to hold back the bite in my tone when I repeat, “What?”

“Don’t worry, I’m going to make you feel good.” He cups my breast, flicking his thumb over my painfully tight nipple. “But I’m not going to fuck you.”

“Why the hell not?”