“No, Sky. You’re all good. It was in defense of a life,” Wilder says.
“Though I’d venture to guess Walker’s gonna wanna handcuff you to his bed for a few days,” Rowan adds.
“Doesn’t look like he’ll be doing anything that requires both arms or hands for a while,” Ridge mutters.
“You guys are all assholes.” I try to stand on my own, but without the use of my hands, it’s damn near impossible. Thankfully, Rowan helps with minimal ribbing. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
“Ambulance is on its way, along with a welcome wagon for these assholes,” Wilder says.
My three friends start the trek out of the forest while I limp behind, Skylar helping the best she can.
“I’m so sorry, Walker. I never thought Aunt Amy would trick me like that.” The words catch in her throat, emotion heavy in her tone.
“Shh. It’s okay, sweetheart. We’ll talk about it later. Right now, the most important thing is making sure you and the baby are okay.”
She sniffles and nods. I don’t dare voice my concern that the club will want retribution for the death of their president, but if today proved anything, it’s that I’ll protect my family at all costs.I don’t want to leave Culver Springs, but if moving out of the club’s reach is what it takes, then that’s what’ll happen.
It’s a conversation for another time because her current emotional and physical health are my priority. It’ll take some time to work through all the trauma, but she’ll have me to help however she needs, and I have no doubt she’ll come out stronger on the other side.
Dusk is settling over the lake and cabins when we emerge from the forest. Sirens blare in the distance, and my friends have their three criminals sitting cross-legged on the ground. Outside the cabin, Wilder is talking to the naked woman.
Skylar stiffens, avoiding looking in that direction. I can’t imagine how seeing her must make her feel. The woman betrayed her, but she was also a victim today. Protectively, I wrap the arm with the broken hand around her, drawing her closer.
“We don’t have to deal with everything all at once,” I say. “One step at a time, Sunny. One step at a time.”
Chapter Thirty-Five
One month later.. .
“Do you need anything before I leave?” I ask my cranky husband.
“No.” He sighs. “I’ll just be here, wallowing without you.”
I grin. “Laken and Corbin need me.”
“I should fire them both for their incompetence.”
“You can’t fire them, and they aren’t incompetent. They’re literally keeping your business alive, and that requires them both to guide excursions. Sometimes at the same time, which is what happened today and why I need to go work the shop.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
I bend down to give him a kiss. The second our lips touch, his casted hand wraps around my middle, and he pulls me on top of him. “Walker!”
“Don’t go,” he pleads.
“You can’t do things like that. You could re-injure your shoulder.” I position myself so I’m not even touching his left arm that’s in a specialized brace to keep it immobile. Thebullet hit the top of his humerus, shattering it and requiring reconstruction surgery.
“It barely even hurts.”
“That doesn’t mean it isn’t still healing. You have two more weeks at home, and then six more weeks of limited movement after that. You can’t rush it, or you’ll have to start from square one.”
“I hate that you have to pick up the slack.” He kisses my nose.
“I don’t. It’s nice to be busy, especially now that I’m fully in my second trimester and my energy is back.”
“Has my boy been kicking today?”