“What’s everyone doing here?” she asks with an edge of concern in her tone.

“I don’t know why those two idiots are here, but Wilder’s here to investigate something Sprocket found at the bottom of the hill.” I wrap her up in my arms, knowing this isn’t going to go over well.

“What did he find?”

“A pig. It’s obvious it was slaughtered and placed there intentionally.”

She sucks in a sharp breath as my three friends walk up. “Klutch?”

“That’s what I’m here to hopefully find out. I’m pretty sure they’re smart enough not to leave behind DNA, but it’s worth testing,” Wilder says.

“He was on the property?” Her body tenses up despite me rubbing her back to soothe her.

“Barely. Within inches. It seems they might’ve scouted out where the cameras and sensors are.” I kiss her temple.

“If they aren’t staying in town, where are they staying? There’s no way they drive up here and back.”

“I’ll make some calls and find out if any motels nearby have bikers staying at them.” Ridge offers. “Can I go inside?”

“Go for it, man,” I say.

He pats Skylar on the head as he passes. That’s a huge gesture for him, and I’m once again floored my wife has won my friends over so thoroughly.

“You wanna show me where it’s at? I brought an evidence kit.” Wilder holds up a black, hard-sided case.

“Yeah, let’s take the ATV,” I say.

“I want to go too.” Skylar folds her arms.

“No, sweetheart. Stay here with Ridge and Rowan. You don’t need to see that.”

“Walker,” she deadpans.

“Skylar,” I return. “Not a chance in hell. Stay here.”

She’s well and pissed, but she doesn’t need that image in her head. I don’t even want it in mine. I feel awful for the little piglet; it’s such a waste of life.

“Come on,” Rowan says, gripping her at the elbow. “Let’s go shit talk about what an asshole your husband is.”

I roll my eyes, but I’m thankful he’s here for her. I’m sure I’ll pay for being a chauvinistic asshole later tonight, but I’ll take that over her being plagued by nightmares. Plus, I can’t say for certain the Broken Rebels aren’t watching the property. The last thing I want is for them to see her, especially now that she’s showing more. I don’t know what Klutch would do if he found out about the baby, and I don’t want to find out.

Even though she’sstill pissed at me, Skylar invites everyone to stay for dinner. It took an hour for Wilder to bag and tag all potential evidence, and the pig is currently in a cooler in the back of Wilder’s SUV, being preserved as much as possible.

“I had an idea I wanted to run by you,” Rowan says with a plate full of tacos.

“What’s that?” I ask, nervous—Rowan’s ideas can be iffy.

“I know an MC in Reno, the Sons of Erebus. They might be willing to make an appearance for a few days. I can’t say it’ll do any good, but it’d be nice to have some backup.”

“No,” Wilder says. “One MC invading my town is enough.”

“The Sons aren’t like the Broken Rebels. They own legit businesses and keep their noses clean.”

“Don’t they own a brothel out there?” I ask, remembering hearing something about that.

“Yeah, the Honey Pot.”

“And how do you know that, Rowan?” Ridge asks.