“You seem to only have two moods.” I stand and undo the buttons of my shirt.

“Oh yeah?” His eyes go hooded as he watches me push my shirt off my shoulders, leaving me in my black lacy bra. Underwear is at the top of my list of things to replace, and since I want him to look at me like this each time I undress, I’ll make sure it’s all sexy—at least until I blow up like a balloon. Does sexy maternity underwear exist?

“Yeah.” I push my jeans to the ground and kick them off. “Demanding asshole or doting husband.”

“You should be lucky you get the doting husband. Everyone else only sees the demanding asshole. Now come suck my cock while I play with your ass.”

“Demanding asshole,” I say under my breath as I bend over. A sharp swat to my ass makes me yelp in surprise.

“Remember, you’re the one who started this.”

I roll my eyes but take him in hand, dragging my tongue up and down his shaft before wrapping my lips around him and sucking. My mouth is small and his cock is big, especially from this angle, so it’s hard to take him too deep, but he doesn’t seem to mind, judging by the sounds he’s making.

He reaches over my flattened back and palms my butt cheek, shaking it. “I didn’t think I could find you any sexier than I did back then, but goddamn, your ass is so juicy. I’m banning any kind of diet from this house so you don’t lose this.”

I want to argue with him, tell him that while he has hulked up, I’ve chunked up and could stand to lose a little weight. But is that really how I feel, or has my self-esteem been destroyed by Klutch, and I’m allowing his opinion to infect my subconscious? The last time he forced himself on me, he said I was lucky he could even get it up because I was so fat.

Another stinging swat brings me back into the moment. “I don’t know what I said that made you check out, but come back to me.”

Shit. He’s right. Klutch has stolen enough of my time. I refuse to let him get between Walker and me, especially when his fat dick is in my mouth. So until I can banish his opinion of me from my mind, I’ll trust Walker’s. He’s the one who loves me, so why should I listen to anyone else? And it’s pretty safe to say he likes what he sees because his cock is hard as steel, and he sounds like he’s about to blow.

I suck him down as far as he can go and hold him there, swallowing around his tip. His breath hitches and he curses, so I do it again, only this time, I roll his balls in the palm of my hand.

“Do it again. Please, baby,” he pleads, making me feel more powerful than I have in years. This big, sexy mountain of a man, who is also caring and kind, is turned on by me. I’m not the easy choice, and he could have almost any woman he wants, yet it’s me he’s begging to get him off. “Fuck, your wicked little mouth sucking me is so good while I get to stare at your heart-shaped ass. I’m in fucking heaven. You better decide where you want it, ’cause I’m gonna come.”

For me, it’s not even a question. The second I feel a hot jet of semen squirt into my mouth, I pull him almost all the way out of my mouth until just my lips are wrapped around his tip and suck. Then, with firm strokes from base to head, I milk every last drop. His hips leave the mattress as he grunts his release, his cock pulsing and throbbing with each pull of my hand.

“Feel free to thank me like that any time you want.” He falls back onto the mattress.

I give his dick an affectionate peck before releasing it onto his belly. “I will. I love sucking your cock.”

“Fuck, don’t say things like that. You’ll get me hard all over again, and then the animals will never get dinner.”

“Oh no. They haven’t eaten? Why did you let me do that?” I scan the floor for my clothes.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting dressed so I can come with you and apologize.”

“You want to apologize to my cow?”


He lets out a full belly laugh. “Shit, you’re cute. You can apologize tomorrow. I don’t want you out in the cold.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” He walks over to his dresser and pulls out more long underwear. I’m starting to think his drawer is like a Mary Poppins bag—never-ending. “Get ready for bed and I’ll be back in a bit to return your appreciation.”

He kisses me with no regard for the fact that I just had his cum in my mouth. Then he’s out the door, leaving me excited for his method of payback. I fish my new phone out of my pocket and flip it open with a sigh. My iPhone was destroyed for a burner that flips as if it’s the late 1990s.

I click on one of the few numbers programmed in and sit on the edge of the bed. Dee and her family are already in Utah, and according to her texts, they’re having the time of their lives. But I want to tell her about today’s events.

“Quit splashing your brother!” Dee shouts into the phone before softening her tone. “Hello?”

“They’re enjoying the pool, huh?”

“Oh my god, so much. I don’t know how I’ll ever talk them into going home.”