“I don’t even know what to say.” Rowan runs his palms down his jeans. “And I always know what to say.”
“Fucking hell. Are you serious with this shit, Walker?” Ridge pinches the bridge of his nose.
Skylar sniffles, and I whip my head around to see why. “Are you okay?”
She clears her throat. “I know Walker doesn’t deserve to have all this dropped in his lap, and I understand your anger. I guess I just want you all to know I love him. I never stopped loving him. And for as much as he’s in my corner, I’m in his.”
“You misunderstood, sweetheart,” Wilder says. “We’re pissed at what you’ve been through. No woman should ever be bullied, abused, and coerced the way you have.”
“Don’t use pet names for my wife,” I grit out before I soften my expression to break things down for Skylar. “I’d never put you in front of three men if I thought they’d give you shit. Not only that, but I’d never be friends with someone who’d be mad at a woman for being knocked around and raped.”
“He’s right, Sky.” Rowan pins me with a look. “Can I call her Sky? Is that okay with you?”
“Fuck off, but yes. That’s her name shortened, not an endearment.”
“Thank you. As I was saying, Walker’s right. If there’s one thing all four of us can agree on, it’s hating weak-ass pussies who pick on someone smaller than them. Pardon my French.”
“I don’t know what to say. I guess, thank you for understanding,” Skylar says.
“I know you guys were just being nosy by coming over, but I planned to bring you in and see if you’re up for helping me keep Skylar safe until this Klutch asshole isn’t a threat anymore.”
“Might I remind you that none of you work for me. Therefore, none of you have any kind of legal authority,” Wilder says.
“Semantics.” Rowan waves him off. “You know I’m in. I’ll take a look at your security this week and find any weak points I can vamp up.”
“That would be appreciated,” I say.
“I’ll bet you’re wishing you added that safe room to this place like I suggested.”
“That still seems a little extreme.”
“If you give me his legal name, I can run him through the system, see if he has any open warrants so we can arrest him the second he steps foot in Culver Springs,” Wilder says.
“Good idea.” I glance over my shoulder to Ridge, who has been quietly observing this whole exchange, and everyone else follows suit expectantly. He’s a moody bastard who doesn’t like to involve himself in much of anything, but he has been there for all of us at one time or another, the same way we’ve been there for him. I’m just not sure if that extends to my wife.
“Anything you need, Walk. You know that,” he says around the lip of his mug before he swallows a sip. “You too, Skylar. You’re one of us now.”
“Thanks, Ridge. I appreciate that, and I look forward to getting to know all of you more.”
“Glad we’re on the same page. I’ve thought a little about how we can keep her safe, and I think starting now, she should never be alone. If, for some reason, I can’t be with her, then I’ll coordinate with one of you guys.” The guys all nod their agreement. “Now, he doesn’t know why she’s here or where she’s at, but no one in this goddamn town can keep a secret, so there’s no way Presley hasn’t blabbed to everyone about why she’s here.”
“Sheis right here, you know.” Skylar waves a hand in the air.
“You’re right. Sorry.” I shift to face her. “I don’t think anyone would tell him where I live, and even if he finds my address,Rowan has a GPS jammer at the bottom of the mountain that’ll keep him guessing for a while.”
“So that’s why my GPS was freaking out when I was trying to find your place?” Skylar asks.
“Yeah, it’s a good deterrent. Though if someone gives them directions like these pricks gave you when you came looking for me?—”
“You can’t get pissed we told her. If we hadn’t, then you wouldn’t be in wedded bliss right now,” Rowan says.
“We’ll know the second he steps foot on my property, thanks to the laser fencing, and we’ll have exit strategies. I’ll keep the ATV and snowmobile gassed and ready to go. But if it comes down to it, I’m allowed to protect my family and our property. I have no problem blowing that asshole’s head off.”
“Walker.” My name is barely a breath coming from Skylar.
“If it’s between you and him, he’ll lose every time.” I defend. “Hell, if it’s between one of my bitches and him, he’ll still lose.”
“I get it and agree. It’s just that I’ve seen the dead look in the eyes of a killer, and I don’t want that for you.”