“And we couldn’t do it before now because Skylar didn’t want to be pregnant in her wedding pictures. We were supposed to get married after Kai was born, but?—”
“Did you even wait until he was born before you put another baby in her?” Wilder asks.
“Yes. Six weeks, like the doctor said. But in my defense, I read that breastfeeding moms don’t typically ovulate, and Skylar hadn’t had her cycle?—”
“Okay, stop. I don’t need to know about Skylar’s cycle.” Rowan plugs his ears like a toddler.
Getting my wife knocked up so soon after giving birth was truly an accident, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Being a father has been the second greatest thing to happen to me.
Kai Leo Carter, my two-year-old, was born two weeks late, much to Skylar’s dismay. She did everything she could to get that kid out of her, but it wasn’t until she gave up and relaxed that she went into labor. Thankfully, we made it to the hospital in time.
Nova Claire Carter, my one-year-old girl, was born two weeks early, much to Dr. Rivera’s dismay because he was forced to deliver her. My daughter has been one surprise after another from conception. While Kai is thoughtful and meticulous, Nova doesn’t waste time thinking about something; she just does it and hopes for the best.
“How you get women to have sex with you, I’ll never understand,” I say.
“Not women, just a woman.” Rowan straightens his tie.
The wedding planner pops her head in from the door of the men’s lounge. “It’s time.”
“Thanks. We’ll be right there.” I take one last look at myself, not knowing why I’m nervous. That woman is as bound to me assomeone can be. I guess I just want her to be proud to marry me again.
“Take a glass,” Rowan says, handing out shot glasses of tequila. “We need to toast.”
“I’m the best man. That’s my job.” Wilder takes a shot glass.
The four of us stand in a circle, holding up our drinks. Everything has changed for us in the last two years. We hardly resemble the men we were before Skylar walked back into my life. It’s as if she set off a chain reaction that rippled through us, one at a time.
“The past is always tense, the future perfect,” Wilder says and is met with silence as we look around at each other.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Rowan waves a hand in the air, indicating he’ll take it from here. “Pain makes you stronger. Tears make you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. And tequila makes you not remember any of that crap.”
We clink and drink, the liquid burning a path down my throat. I’ve abstained from any booze until this moment, but I have a feeling I’m going to get a little shitty tonight. Jazzy agreed to take the kids, and I have all kinds of filthy plans for my bride.
But first, I have to get through the ceremony. Skylar planned our wedding at the only venue in Culver Springs. The old barn has been converted into one large space, with a patio off the back. Behind it is a house where the groom and bride’s lounges are, as well as the kitchen for in-house catering. It’s perfect for us.
I stand at the front of the barn, my palms sweaty as I wait for Skylar. It seems like every single seat is taken, as the whole town practically shut down for the hour-long ceremony. Afterwards, they’ll return to their shops, since it’s the beginning of spring and tourist season.
The music changes, and my two babies appear with Miss Martha. She’s carrying Nova and holding Kai’s hand. In his otherhand is a pillow with Skylar’s new wedding band and my ring Skylar had polished and engraved. Nova’s dancing in Martha’s arms, putting on a show, while Kai looks nervous as hell. The second he sees me, he takes off, running right into my arms.
Skylar and I have spoken about what, if anything, to tell him about his sperm donor, but we haven’t decided. Right now, I’m his dad and he’s my son. That’s all he needs to know.
“Go sit with Miss Martha, okay?” I kiss him on the cheek and set him down. Martha hands Nova to me, and she gives me a slobbery kiss that makes the room let out a collective sigh. I hand her back, and Martha kisses my cheek before they sit in the front row.
Next, Ridge appears, escorting his girlfriend, Harper. I never thought I’d see the day someone could tolerate that man enough to be with him long-term.
After that is Wilder, escorting his woman, Wren, followed by Rowan and Mickie. Then Jazzy and Dee, who are Skylar’s maids of honor, walk toward me with beaming smiles. The two are equally important to my wife, but for much different reasons.
Jazzy and Skylar bonded over their trauma. Now, the two can hardly be separated. Sometimes I wonder if she moved in and I didn’t notice because she’s always around. And Dee was the only person Skylar could trust for many years. The two may live hours apart, but we get our families together as often as our schedules allow.
I look down the line of women in light brown dresses that don’t match but somehow go together, or at least that’s what I’ve been told. They all have hearts in their eyes, and I’m certain more weddings will be in our future. But looking at my groomsmen, who are all staring back at their women, I don’t think they’ll mind.
There’s some comic relief when Sprocket bounds down the aisle in a doggy tuxedo. He stops to say hello to each humanhe recognizes before spotting me. I crouch and give him the attention he deserves. He has adjusted like a champ as our family has grown, especially when the two littlest Carters don’t always know the meaning of gentle.
The music changes again, and I straighten, standing tall and proud as my wife makes her entrance. She’s wearing a cream dress that’s all lace and silk. She has never looked more beautiful, and I realize what a lucky son of a bitch I am. She’s being escorted by Luther, who’s become as important to her as he is to me. The man looks sharp in a tan suit, his smile and watery eyes nearly choking me up.
She’s taking too long to reach me, and I barely stop myself from running to her and scooping her up to get her down here faster. God, she’s stunning. Her hair is pulled up loosely, and some of her curls have gotten free. I can’t wait to unpin her hairdo and watch the curls go wild as I fuck her.
“You treat her right, and she’ll never want to leave,” Luther says, shaking my hand before pulling me in for a back-slapping hug. “Love you, son.”