“I need to talk to you, and I don’t want to do it yelling across the room.”
I sit on the edge of the sofa. “Okay, I’m sitting.”
“Wilder and I took a little day trip today.”
The fire ants are back. “What? Why?”
“Since we’re responsible for the death of the Broken Rebel’s MC president, I needed confirmation there’d be no blowback. So, I met the new president in Modesto.”
“You meanI’mresponsible for his death.”
“Yeah, but they’d have to get through me to get to you, so I’m just lumping us together.” He tries for humor, but the red ants are still dancing.
“Who took over? What did they say?”
“Blur is the new president. He wasn’t too happy about us coming to their clubhouse without an invitation, but after he got over that, he told us he respected your dad and that you’re family to him. He didn’t like the way Klutch handled things, so as far as the club’s concerned, we’re good.”
“Blur is a nice guy. I’m glad he’s the new president.”
“I don’t know about nice. He threatened to stab me in the dick if I ever knocked on their door again.”
I laugh. “Sounds like him.”
“I also heard from the county prosecutor, and court dates have been set for the bikers and Amy. I put them in the calendar. She’ll be in touch soon to prepare you to testify.”
I don’t know what to say or even how I feel. The last month has been a whirlwind of emotions. One day, I’ll be fine, and the next, I’m a mess, so Walker talked me into seeing a therapist. Since there are none in Culver Springs, I found a virtual counselor who’s helping me deal with the aftermath of. . . my life. It has been good to have someone to talk to who I can be completely honest with, knowing it won’t add to her worry like it does with Walker.
He studies me for a second before he pushes down the footrest of the recliner to rest a casted hand on my knee. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I think I am. But I won’t lie, it’ll be nice when it’s all over.”
“According to the prosecutor, it will be soon—before the baby comes, even.”
“Good. That’ll be our fresh start,” I say.
“Our new adventure.”
I lean forward, and he meets me for a kiss. It starts out chaste, but it has been over a month since we’ve had any sexual contact, and both of us are getting impatient. We barely had a chance to connect in that way before it was taken away from us, and we want it back, but that can’t happen until Walker heals.
One of us needs to be strong, so I pull away. “How are we going to make it through six more weeks?”
He smirks, and I narrow my eyes at him because that’s his evil genius look.
“I came up with a plan.”
I groan “What’s your plan?”
“Come upstairs with me.” He takes my hand, and I notice his grip strength is getting better. The cast on his hand comes off next week, and then he’ll have physical therapy three times a week for probably the next year, between his hand and shoulder. It’s a good thing my man likes to exercise.
I laugh as he drags me to our bedroom. “Get naked.”
“Walker, the doctor said?—”
“My plan doesn’t include me using my arms, I swear.” He walks over to the side of the bed, where a wooden step stool has been placed. “Hear me out. Our height difference poses a challenge, but if you stand on this and bend over the bed, it’ll put you in the perfect position to line up with my cock. I can thrust without using my arms.”
It’s creative, I’ll give him that. Last week, his plan was me on top, but we quickly realized how much that position jostled his shoulder. We both went to bed unsatisfied that night, even though I offered to give him a blow job. He insists we both come, or neither of us do.
“I don’t know. I don’t think I can handle another failed attempt.”