Another twitch.
“I don’t know what they taught you in school, but I doubt you’ll be able to function as they expect you to when your turn comes. Unless, of course, you swing both ways?” he asked, cocking his head as he met Irvine’s gaze. “Either way, your secret won’t stay secret for long. It can’t be fun thinking about what would happen if you got caught. But don’t worry. I’m going to end Samuel’s misery tonight. Maybe yours too, so that you can meet in the afterlife.”
“Leave him out of this,” the Hunter hissed.
A slow grin appeared on his face as he watched more hatred bleed into the kid’s eyes. So they did have feelings, after all. They had weaknesses.
“Oh, I can’t do that. You took my mate, so I have to take yours.”
“I had nothing to do with that!”
He shot to his feet and closed the distance between them until he was only a hair’s breadth away from Irvine.
“Then who did?” he growled.
“I’ll never help a wolf,” Irvine spat out.
“Then you will watch Samuel die,” he said calmly as he stepped back.
A thumping heartbeat. It was funny how it seemed dead until that point, but the Hunter’s heart started racing. It sounded loud in the confines of the bungalow.
He walked toward the front door and opened it. The sky had a pink tinge as dawn broke. Was Layla awake? Could she still feel him, the way he could feel her life force?
“If you kill us, they’ll know it,” the kid shouted. “They will obliterate the whole fucking town, you included.”
His voice echoed out into the quiet street. A few early risers were already active in their homes, so his time with Irvine was up, anyway. Humans were nosier than most beings. Frankly, he was surprised they hadn’t called the police when he attacked Irvine. They’d made enough noise to wake the dead.
He turned back to look at Irvine. Now the fear was clear on his face.
“Is that right? So I just have to kill you, and someone will come over and lead me right to my mate.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong! I just started training; I have no information to give you,” the boy shouted again.
Just as he guessed. Useless.
He closed the door and turned to face his enemy. The red haze filled his vision as he finally let his fury show. He was still naked after his shift, so nothing restricted him as his body started to stretch. As his face morphed and his jaws extended.
The transition was seamless—half man, half beast in the blink of an eye.
The Hunter’s eyes widened and his Adam’s apple bobbed.
“What’s the matter?” Cain asked, his deep voice rumbling through the house. “Am I scaring you?”
His patience ran out long before he imprisoned Ambrose, and this kid did nothing but waste his time.
No, not really. He’d given one useful piece of information.
“What the fuck are you?” Irvine whispered.
“Something you really don’t want to fuck with. Tell me what I want to know.”
“They’ll kill me,” he whispered again.
He stepped forward and Irvine’s chains rattled. But there was nowhere for him to go.
“Them or me. Choose,” Cain growled.
Irvine's heartbeat grew louder. The fear on his face increased. But it was only for a few seconds.