The little girl didn’t speak again as she moved backwards in her cage as if she had seen that horror so many times already.
Feeling hopeless, she sat back, hugging her knees like Faith, and the tears rolled down her face. Her gaze fell on the poor man who’d lost his life senselessly, filling her with despair. She squeezed her eyes shut to hide from the sight. She’d been stupid. She’d run out of the territory with no plan other than to save Jax but was now the one who needed saving. Her body was stiff and the wolf that encouraged the madness had retreated again. She was no stronger than a human, no match for one Hunter, much less a whole army.
Would Jax go through the same thing? She didn’t know if they caught him, but Jax would find his way to her, just as he always promised. Of that, she had no doubt.
And then they would both die in the hell hole the Hunters created for them. It was over. And it was all her fault.
Chapter 38
Jax bounced his leg as he watched the unconscious man chained to the chair. He hadn’t even fucking touched him; Ambrose passed out like the coward he was before he’d brought him down to the basement.
Everything was taking too long. Layla had been gone for hours and he was no closer to finding the truth.
What business did a man like that have with an organisation like the Hunters? What did they offer him for him to risk his life? Miss Roberts did the same in a bid to join them, but he never hadthe chance to get answers from her before the Hunters whisked her away.
He heard the sound of the door opening and threw one last look at Ambrose before he left the interrogation room. The door slid closed behind him just as Dylan came down the steps with Gavin, their faces sombre. They’d left their emotions wide open. He could sense their sadness without them having to open their mouths. He could feel their resignation.
They thought Layla was gone for good.
He growled and turned away from them to walk into the security room set up on the other side.
“What?” he growled as he pulled up a chair and sat beside the warrior looking through the traffic cameras.
Dylan followed into the room and sighed. His fists clenched as he fought not to throttle him. If Dylan said one thing, just one thing about what he was doing being useless, he didn’t know what he would do to him.
There was a pause before Dylan spoke again.
“We’ve cleaned the security room upstairs and the guests are evacuating. We told them there’s a gas leak,” Dylan said. “The hotel should be secure within an hour in case the Hunters return.”
At least he didn’t say what was really on his mind.
“But without the humans here, they’ll be free to turn the place upside down looking for answers,” Gavin added.
He turned around and glared at his Gamma until he lowered his gaze. Micah would never have questioned his decision like that. Like he gave a shit what happened to the hotel. All he wanted were answers.
“Just do as you’re told and keep out of my fucking way if you’re not going to help.”
“I’ll always help you, Alpha. I’m yours to command,” Gavin said.
Then why the hell hadn’t he stopped Layla from leaving?
He didn’t scream that out loud the way he wanted to. He didn’t attack Gavin and call him useless. That would be hypocritical because he was the one who should have remembered he had a mate waiting in his bed.
He turned around and looked back at the screens in front of him without responding.
“Have you found them?” he asked.
“They headed out of the city in different directions a few hours ago, but I’ve lost them. I’ll keep scanning the cameras until I pick them up again.”
“How many of them?” he asked.
“I’d say about half the size of a usual hunting party. They had trucks but no coaches. I’m running the number plates now in case they were stupid enough to register them from the same place.”
A small moan sounded through the open warehouse, indicating that his guest was finally awake. He nodded at the warrior at the desk before he pushed his chair back and stood.
“Shall I do it?” Dylan asked. “You might kill him before he talks.”