“Mr King,” he said, straightening as he lowered his head as all hotel employees were required to do.
“What are you...” the other man started as he turned around.
“Shit. We apologise, sir. There was a disturbance on this floor that we were asked to check out. We'll be on our way now.”
He cocked his head to the side. Their earlier conversation indicated that these men didn’t know what was happening, but he refused to believe that Ambrose pulled all of this off alone.
“Where’s Ambrose?”
His voice was deeper, more beastly than human. The men flinched but still dared to look up to answer him. Such was the folly of humans. They could always sense when they were in danger but were too foolish to think about self-preservation. He didn’t know if his eyes were still glowing, but he was well aware he was not himself anymore.
“He was in the main security room. He sent us up about an hour ago,” one answered. His name badge read ‘Thomas’, the one who believed something dodgy was going on.
And, of course, he’d just confirmed it for them because he’d come out of nowhere and was stark naked. Bigger than what he usually was and fighting not to partially shift. His fists balled at his sides, but his claws dug into him. He could smell his blood as it dripped from the puncture wounds. Thomas’ gaze lowered to his hands, and his eyes widened before he looked back down.
“Go home to your families,” he growled before he walked past them to his door.
The door unlocked with his fingerprint and he marched in. The scent of Hunters immediately assaulted his nose. They’d been in his suite.
They’d toppled over his furniture and strewn his belongings all over the floor. They would not have found anything incriminating, he wasn’t that stupid to leave evidence lying around, but they would have known that. Vandalising other people’s property wasn’t the Hunters’ style. Only someone with heightened emotions could do something like that, and Hunters were the most emotionless bastards on earth.
At least, they used to be. Things had obviously changed. He didn’t know what the fuck he was dealing with.
He walked over the mess to the bedroom, which was in the same state. His clothes were on the floor, wet and covered in suspicious substances that he didn’t want to touch. The door to his dressing room was open, and more clothes were piled there. But a few seemed to have escaped the carnage. A T-shirt and a pair of trousers. He pulled the trousers on quickly and headed out the door while he pulled the T-shirt on.
Thomas and the other man were still waiting for the staff elevator, and both widened their eyes when they saw his mismatched clothes.
“Tell me what happened here,” he demanded as the doors opened, and they all walked in.
“Well... Uh, Mr Ambrose had an important meeting this morning, after which we were all told to go for a break while they did a security exercise here,” the quieter man said. His badge said he was Terry. “We speculated they were being considered as part of the security team.”
“No, we didn’t,” Thomas grumbled. “They didn’t look like military or security officials. More like mercenaries.”
Terry nudged Thomas, who immediately shut his mouth. But the man was more astute than the others.
“And then what happened?”
“We were called back a couple of hours ago but the visitors were all gone. Mr Ambrose just told us to sweep every floor and look for secret doorways but didn’t explain anything.”
“Did he keep a few of the security team with him?”
“I’m going to need names. Go home; I’ll be in touch,” he growled just as the doors opened in the staff hallway.
There were indeed fewer employees in the hotel. Did Ambrose send even the other departments home so that he could do thissearch? Who the fuck did he think he was to mess with his business?
Still, it worked out better this way. Because Ambrose wasn’t leaving this building in one piece.
When he shoved the doors to the main security room open, he found Ambrose standing over two men who were reviewing the security footage.
“Delete everything. There shouldn’t be a trace of them left on the system,” Ambrose hissed.
His rage boiled over. Without wasting a second, he crossed the room and shoved Ambrose aside before he grabbed both men’s throats. They slumped forward before they could scream, and the metallic scent of their blood filled the room as it gushed from their throats.
When he turned to face Ambrose, he was looking right down the barrel of a gun.
“How did you get back in here,” Ambrose whispered.