Seeing the sea of Hunters turn their heads in his direction simultaneously like they had some sort of radar was disconcerting. That was strange. Different. They could always track and hunt using their enhanced senses, but now even the way their eyes hardened when they set on him looked different.
They moved in sync, as they always did, turning towards him and again, that struck him as different. It was almost robotic.
But there was no time to worry about that. The Hunters still in the hotel were already making their way out on the other side. He had seconds to make a way out for Gerald before they reached him, but he had to stay in the security camera's blind spot.
His claws extended and the t-shirt stretched as his body accommodated the beast. The closest Hunter lunged at him, moving through the air effortlessly until his booted foot connected with his chest.
And that hurt like fuck.
He stumbled back and looked at the Hunter preparing to attack again. It was the first time in his life fighting one. Though he’d read all the texts and listened to all the stories passed down, he did not expect that.
The hunter swung his fist, and this time he dodged and caught it, twisting the arm so far up the Hunter’s back that he heard a crack.
But the Hunter didn’t scream. He didn’t even grimace to show he was in pain. Were they on drugs? What the fuck was this shit?
He shoved the Hunter with the broken arm away in time to dodge a punch from the one behind him. And the Hunters in the parking lot pressed forward, surrounding him. It was broad daylight, so he hoped they wouldn’t pull out any weapons, but with how different they seemed, he wasn’t sure what to expect.
‘We can’t fight all of them. End this quickly.'
Cain was more than happy to comply. He grabbed the Hunter by the throat and ripped it wide open. Adrenaline pumped in his veins as the scent of blood filled the air. He grabbed the next man from the air as the Hunter launched at him and sank his teeth in his neck before he threw him against the wall.
Cain's rage surged inside him, and along with it was something else. Something that he knew came from his bonding with Layla. He’d felt the same when he’d gone through the Circle’s assassins. All his senses were on alert, picking up the slightest movements as each Hunter attacked. It was worrying that they were almost as evenly matched as the vampires. It wasn’t supposed to be like that. The Hunters’ greatest strength was their numbersand weapons, not the enhancements they developed over generations of hunting.
But as he ripped through them and caught several blows to his head, he wondered if they could go toe to toe with the wolves. They were much more than he was taught to believe.
He smashed the last Hunter into one of the parked cars just as the others rounded the corner of the hotel. Without wasting his chance, he rushed back to the hidden panel and put his palm on it.
Gerald was shaking when he came out. He’d told the fucker to keep his head down but the first thing he did was look at all the bodies littered around him.
“Go,” he growled.
Gerald looked up at him—way up since he was a lot bigger because he partially shifted—and then stumbled backwards. He tripped over a body behind him and fell ass first onto a puddle of blood.
“Go!” he repeated.
Gerald didn’t wait any longer. He ran to the end of the lot and quickly picked out the old car. By the time Gerald switched the engine on and started reversing, the Hunters had almost reached him. Cain rushed forward, not waiting for them to attack as he speared into them with his shoulder.
Cain was made for battle. He was made to cause bloodshed. But there were too many Hunters still coming; it was too risky to fight them all.
As Gerald peeled out of the car park, he turned and ran back the other way, shifting back into his human form as he went around the hotel towards the busy car park next to it. He sensed the Hunters chasing him, but he didn’t look back. Humans screamed as they moved out of his way. His clothes, hands and face were bloody, but there was no time to worry about them as he made his way to the main road.
He didn’t stop running until he saw his car. Gerald looked like he wouldn’t stop for him until he ran into the road to force him to stop.
“Are you crazy?!” Gerald screamed.
The chase wasn’t over. They would keep coming for them. It was what they did. He’d have to stop and warn the others, but the damage was already done.
He officially started a war with the Hunters.
Chapter 34
Layla pulled a pair of sneakers on and made her way out of the bedroom. Her stomach growled again. It was so loud she was sure everyone in the house could hear it. Jax didn’t bring her any breakfast as he promised. He hadn’t come back at all.
Why was it taking so long to see the next group off?