He switched off the car and sighed as he sat back and rolled his shoulders. She was such a lousy mate; she’d slept for a long time and didn’t offer to do any of the driving. Jax had been up all night, too. He’d also been up the night before when she’d told him about Brit.
“We’ll check in, and a messenger will give us more information about when we have to present ourselves tomorrow,” Jax said. “Remember to keep your head down. They referred to you as human in their summons, but I’m sure they already know you’re not. If you act submissive, we’ll avoid unnecessary challenges.”
“Are you going to keep your head down?”
Jax looked at her as if she’d asked a stupid question. Maybe it was absurd to him because anyone who’d seen Cain would know he wouldn’t bow to anyone. But if he didn’t have to bow, why did she? Even though she hadn’t shifted again, she was still the Queen. And she’d always had issues with the whole submissive thing.
Knowing it would do no good to ask that question, she sighed and gathered her things together. Jax got out of the car and retrieved their bags from the back.
‘They’re already watching us. Let’s just do whatever they ask and get this shit done as soon as possible,’ he instructed before walking towards the entrance.
Other cars arrived as they were crossing over from the car park, and valets took care of them and carried their luggage before driving around to what looked like an underground parking garage with security guards at the front. They wouldn't get out of there easily if they had to leave in a hurry. That was probably why Jax parked in the car park, closer to the exit.
The hotel was very nice. That was an understatement. She was used to the luxurious settings from working as a cleaner at Jax’s hotel, but this hotel seemed miles better than that. It reeked of opulence and money in every inch of its decor. The name on the front said it was called The Haven. She’d never heard of it, even when she spent countless hours pouring over magazines and online, daydreaming about trips she would never take.
A valet placed their bags on a trolley while Jax continued to the front desk. He didn’t take her hand as he usually did.
“Mr King and Miss Carlisle,” the man at the desk said with a smile before Jax spoke. “Welcome to The Haven. Your rooms are ready.”
He was a young man with smooth, light brown skin and hazel eyes, and his smile was captivating. But there was something about him that rubbed her up the wrong way.
“Rooms?” Jax asked.
“Yes,” the man said, again with that bright smile. His teeth were perfect, white and blinding. “Two trials. Two rooms. Please refrain from breaking the rules. I hope you enjoy your stay.”
Were they separating them? But they couldn’t! Jax was her mate, and everything he did against the Circle was to protect her. Her heart started to pound, and her anxiety rose. The trial hadn’t felt real until that moment.
The man pushed two folders in front of Jax with two key cards on top. Jax looked back at her before reluctantly taking the folders offered.
‘Don’t say anything,’ Jax warned.
He opened one of the folders, and his eyes flashed briefly before he handed it to her. It was an agenda for the trial with the hotel logo on top.
Initial statements. Cross-examination. Ruling.
Just those three things. There was no mention of what time that would happen or even if it was all on the same day.
On two sheets of paper under it, there were rules printed that she knew she would never memorise. One of the rules stated that meeting the other accused during the trial would be a violation and would allow the Circle to decide their fate in their absence without their input.
Her eyes widened as she met Jax’s gaze. He hadn’t even told her anything!
‘I’ll fix this,’ he said. ‘Keep your head down until I find you.’
“Mr King, if you would follow that gentleman to your room and Miss Carlisle, please go through the opposite hallway.”
She sucked in a breath when she looked away from Jax and realised there were guards at the entrance of both hallways. Big, unsmiling men who did not go with the feel of the hotel. They looked like jailors.
“We’ll be okay,” Jax said out loud.
The valet took the bag with her name on it and put it in her hand without a smile, and then he pushed Jackson’s bag towards his designated hallway. She knew immediately she wasn’t getting the same treatment because they assumed she was human.
“How nice to see you both here. I thought you’d chicken out,” a voice said behind them.
She looked back and saw the three Circle members who had come to their gates. The one she choked was looking right at her, and his eyes were cold and full of hatred.
They’d fucked up. They shouldn’t have come.
Chapter 20