“I’m okay,” she answered, reaching down to help Britney. “Just keep going.”
When she had Britney’s hand firmly in her uninjured one and started to walk forward, she saw the bulking figures coming back past the children in front of her. Even in the darkness, she saw where Jax’s gaze was and the red flash in his eyes. He would have caught the scent of her blood from miles away.
“I’m okay,” she repeated.
Jax reached over and took Hope from her without a word. She wanted to protest because she didn’t know when or if she would see Hope again, but she was Jax’s baby, too. She couldn’t deny him a chance to hold the baby he had gone through so much to have.
“Hop on my back, Britney.”
Only when Josh spoke did she realise he had come back with Jax.
“I’m fine,” Britney said.
“It’s not a negotiation. You're slowing us down,” Josh said, taking her sister’s hand from her and lowering in front of her.
He sounded irritated, and that pushed her anxiety even more. She had no idea what had happened when Josh had been Britney’s bodyguard. Had she been mistaken that there had been some romantic feelings between them? Would Josh still protect her as he had done back then?
Jax took her hand and pulled her forward before she could protest, and she realised that they had indeed been slowing everyone down. By the time they reached the clearing, the children from the other packs had already arrived with their Alphas and were getting onto the first plane. The sound of waves crashing into the cliffs ahead and the scent of the salty water filled the air. There would be a whole ocean between her and her child...
She sucked in a breath and shoved the pain away. Now wasn’t the time to break down.
Jax kissed Hope before handing her back, and Josh lowered Britney before both men walked away to help. Alpha Chase gave her a little nod before he turned back to the children from his pack. She had no idea if all the packs would have to live together or if they were going to separate houses, but once again, her anxiety flared up.
And at that moment, it all became real.
The children sniffled as they said goodbye to their parents or guardians. The Omegas and warriors held onto their families before they got on the plane to take care of the children at the safehouses. They were all trying to be strong, but their emotions pressed down on her. Was this the last time they would see each other?
She pulled Britney into her arms and held both girls as the weight of all the emotions settled on her shoulders. Why did they have to go through this when they hadn’t hurt anyone? It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right.
Max, the kid who’d taken care of his baby sister during the first attack, was holding Jade’s hand, doing the same thing he had done back then. Being brave and taking care of his little sister. How many times was the poor boy supposed to endure something like this? Their mother stood beside them, blinking back tears.
“I’ll see you very soon,” their mother said. “I promise.”
But none of them could make a promise like that.
The children Jax had rescued were standing alone, with the older boy holding the younger kids’ hands like Max was doing. But they had no parents promising them that they would see them soon. Her heart broke that they had been placed in that situation, and the adults in their lives didn’t seem to care.
By the time Jax returned to them, almost everyone else was safely on the plane. Her arms tightened around her girls when she saw Josh and Diedre walking behind him. She wasn’t ready. Maybe there was another way. Perhaps she was supposed to go with them.
But the other parents already stood back, waiting for the plane to take off. She knew they wanted to be with their children, too. She couldn’t be that selfish. And there was still that thing inside her telling her this was the best way. She had to stay for Faith and Rebecca.
She expected Jax to take Hope, but when he reached them, he put his arms around all three of them.
“When all this is over, we’re going to take that vacation we’ve been talking about. All four of us,” Jax whispered.
He looked down at Brit and smiled, possibly for the first time.
“I know you won’t believe me, little one, but I promise you that you’ll be okay,” he told her. “I’ve briefed Josh and Diedre. You won’t be alone. Just do everything Layla told you.”
Brit swallowed and then nodded. Then Jax did something else she’d never thought she would see. He kissed the top of Brit’s head before he kissed Hope. When their gazes met above the girls’ heads, the tears she’d held back pooled in her eyes.
“Shall I take them in?” Jax whispered.
She nodded. If she went in to help them, she wouldn’t come back out.
She kissed the girls as Jax had done and whispered, “I love you, girls. Take care of each other.”
Jax took Hope from her arms and held his hand out to Brit. Her sister already had tears falling down her cheeks when she looked up at her.