“I don’t think it’s the right time. Josh is a promising warrior and we need everyone focused right now.”

She stopped and turned to look at him.

“I’m not suggesting they get married. How would talking to Britney derail him from the plans you have for his life?”

Jax paused, the confusion clear on his face. How was that in any way confusing? She understood he was the Alpha, but surely he had no say in matters like that, especially considering Britney and Josh were adults.

“Are you sure she even wants to see him?” Jax asked.

“That’s not the point. You’re stopping it before they have a chance to decide for themselves. You can’t control things like that.”

“I’m not trying to control any relationships. But we agreed on this, Layla. Britney has a lot to learn. Both of you are going to be training hard—”

“Well, I guess I have to focus on my training and not my relationship, too.”

Jax’s mouth dropped open, and then he looked back at Dylan as if he was asking for help.

“What’s happening here?” Jax asked.

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing, Alpha,” she sighed and continued to the stairs.

“I hate to bring this up now, but there was a messenger at the gate this morning,” Dylan said.

She turned back to ask what the message was about, but Jax was already walking with Dylan towards the offices. Her curiosity disappeared at the sight of her mate walking away before he even attempted to do what he said he would do.

“Aren’t we going to talk to Brit?”

“I’ll come up later, Layla. This is important.”

And then he was gone.

Her heart squeezed in her chest as his words hit hard. It probably was more important than her family dramas; she got that. She had no right to feel hurt that she was not a priority when he was an Alpha, the King. He made decisions that affected everyone, not just his little family.

Before she’d taken another step forward, Jax came back out into the lobby. She met his gaze and felt his remorse.

“I didn’t mean for it to come out like that,” Jax said. “You’re important to me, too.”

“I know. It’s okay; get back to work,” she said with a little smile.

Jax crossed the lobby in long, easy strides and pulled her into his arms before he lowered his lips to hers. The kiss was gentle, nothing more than a caress, and it soothed her aching heart.

“I’ll come up as soon as I can, and we’ll tell her everything together, like we planned,” Jax said when he lifted his head. “Don’t get upset with me.”

She went on her toes and pecked his lips.

“I’m okay. I already kept you away for days; you go and catch up,” she said. “I need time to apologise to Brit first, anyway.”

Jax nodded and then released her before he walked back towards his office.

She sighed and started going up the stairs. There was a lot she was unhappy with lately. Her training, how Jax wanted to treat Brit, how he kept everything to himself and suffered silently. A few days of sex wasn’t going to fix that. They needed to sit down and talk about it so he could understand where she was coming from.

But first, she’d talk to Brit.

As she came to the top floor, she saw a warrior sitting on a chair outside Brit’s room as if she was a prisoner.

“What’s going on?”

The man stood and lowered his head.