“I thought I wouldn’t see you again,” Gerald whispered.
The man pulled her into a tight hug, something he had not done since Rebecca left. Instead of rancid body odour, he smelled fruity, like their shower gel.
She pulled away after a beat and looked into her father’s eyes. That was such a drastic change, something she had hoped for when she was a little girl but stopped when she realised he didn’t give a shit about her.
“What happened? What’s going on?”
“I know your boyfriend told me to stay out of the city and stay low, and I did for a day or so. But I had to come back. I had to know that you were safe. No one was answering the phone,” Gerald said. “Did he get away from those men?”
She cocked her head to the side. She knew Gerald saw her eyes when he showed up drunk at the hotel, so Jax had kept him there. So he went back to the hotel for Gerald when the Hunters were there? How much did her father know?
“Yes, everyone is alright,” she answered cautiously.
“If you’ve come to check if I told anyone, then the answer is no,” Gerald said. “How could I when it would get you into trouble, too?”
Okay, what the hell was happening? That sounded like her father was actually concerned, and she knew that wasn’t thecase. His words always hurt her, but their last few arguments put the nail in the coffin.
“What are you doing, Dad?” she whispered.
Gerald stepped back and didn’t meet her gaze.
“It’s late. Have you eaten?” he asked, his hand sweeping over the small kitchen. “I did some shopping.”
“Where did you get the money for all this?” she asked, looking over at the couch.
“Mr King gave me money to hide away at a motel somewhere. I figured this was a better use of it.”
She stiffened. She’d been upset with Jax when she’d found out he gave Gerald money to keep him away from Brit, and she supposed giving him money to hide from Hunters was a different issue, but it still felt the same. Gerald never said no to money. He was all take and no give.
“I wanted to make this place nice in case you all needed to hide here. I still have some of it left. I don’t know why anyone needs so much cash lying around, but I figured I’d save it in case we have to go on the run or something.”
We. Gerald assumed he could just slip back into the role he abandoned after all the hurtful words he had said to her.
“Say something, Layla.”
“I don’t know what you expect me to say. I guess I’m surprised you didn’t take the money and end up drunk in a ditch somewhere or at the nearest casino.”
“After what I saw, I can’t say I didn’t think about it,” Gerald said.
His eyes looked haunted. She knew without a doubt now that he saw things he shouldn’t have. That would put him at risk if he ever told anyone or Hunters or the Circle found out.
She sighed and picked up her bag.
“I’m not hungry. I’m going to bed.”
“Wait. Is he... Is he dead? Is that why you’re here?”
“He’s not dead.”
“Where’s Britney? Should we go and get her?”
Britney, his favourite child.
She walked away from him without answering. When she got to the room she’d shared with Brit, she used all her strength to tug it open, just as she used to, but the door slid open without getting stuck. And it wasn’t squeaky.
She looked back at Gerald, who still stood in the same spot with his shoulders low and a lost look on his face. He’d probably be reunited with Brit when she came back despite her objections, and her sister would be so happy to see him cleaned up like that.
But she had her own life to worry about. She had decisions to make.