I test one spritz on a single bud that’s almost dead. It practically blooms in front of my eyes. No illusions. The color intensifies from pale pink to hot fuchsia. I step back, mouth dry. This defies any scientific explanation I know. I whisper a thanks. He nods and wanders to a rolling toolbox that’s stenciled with runes. A floating wrench zips over his head.

My voice cracks when I speak again. “Is Grizelda far from here? I’d like to see if she’ll sell me more.”

He jabs a thumb over his shoulder. “‘Enchanted Emporium’ is two blocks past ‘The Enchanted Espresso.’ She’s probably there. Don’t let her spook you.”

A swirl of confusion rattles me, but I manage to keep my expression steady. “Thanks for your help.”

He waves the rag. “Just doing my job. Plan on seeing me in a few days for the van, but I’ll let you know if something changes.” He vanishes behind the workshop’s parted metal doors.

This is too much for one morning. I return to the street, lantern bouncing happily around my shoulder. A few passersby grin as they notice my frustration. Three or four murmur greetings, as though they see a new neighbor. I tighten my hand around the pink bottle. The only bright spot in this fiasco is the possibility that I might have found a way to keep flowers fresher longer if I can arrange some kind of delivery once I’m back in the real world.

My stomach grumbles when the sweet aroma of pastries and coffee drifts from the pastel café ahead. The swirl of fresh-baked pastries teases my senses, reminding me I haven’t eaten since a quick snack on the road. A sign out front advertises a Valentine’s-themed special called “Hearts Aflame Latte.” Just in time for Valentine’s Day, but maybe that isn’t a holiday celebrated here. It’s probably for their festival instead.

I shove open the door. Warmth and the hum of conversation greet me. Floating cups drift by, gliding from behind the counter to waiting customers. I watch one sail past, carrying whipped cream dusted with red sprinkles. My mouth gapes a bit, then I clamp it shut.

A woman with a barista apron approaches. Her nametag reads “Bella.” She beams when she spots the lantern next to me. “Welcome. I’m Bella Brewster. You must be Declan. Word travels fast in Evershift Haven.”

I manage a nod, throat tight. “Yeah, I guess it does.”

She gestures to the chalkboard menu. “We have all the usual things, plus our special Hearts Aflame Latte, which causes an eruption of hearts.”

I rub the back of my neck. “Sure. I’ll take it.” My skepticism is waning, replaced by weary acceptance. This place is so weird that a latte that spawns hearts sounds almost normal.

Bella looks delighted and nods at the floating cups near the espresso machine. One drifts my way, empty. She flips a switch, and pink steam hisses from the machine then hums a soft melody, pours the steamed milk, and sprinkles tiny candy hearts on top. The cup floats in front of me, glowing slightly.

My eyebrows shoot up. I reach out and grab it before it can bob away.

She points to a table near the window. “Take a seat, if you like.”

I glimpse an empty chair in the corner and head that way, but someone stands from a nearby seat and steps into my path. It’s Vandria, the black-haired woman from the bookstore, who teased me mercilessly. She holds her own mug, which has steam curling upward in a swirl of pink. There’s a cautious smile on her lips. She lifts a hand in greeting without speaking, then gestures to her table.

My pulse kicks up a notch. She’s probably the last person I want to see—except the tug in my gut suggests otherwise. The memory of her fangs unsettles me, though her green eyes are bright, not menacing. She inclines her head, inviting me to sit. My stomach churns with conflicting emotions. I hesitate, then place my latte on the table and sink into the chair.

She folds her hands around her mug. “I owe you an apology.”

I stare at the swirl of foam on top of my latte. “For what?”

Her brow creases. “I pushed too hard earlier. You’re new here, and I turned it into a joke. I’m sorry if that overwhelmed you.”

I stare at the heart sprinkles dissolving into pink foam, creating a bubbling mass as the surface becomes agitated. “You’re right. I was overwhelmed.”

She watches me, expression gentler than before. “This place can be a lot. I should have let you breathe.”

I blow out a slow breath, uncertain how to respond as I watch my cup seem to form a volcano. “Uh... I appreciate the apology.” Is it going to spew?

Her posture relaxes. “Join me for a few minutes? Unless you plan to run out the door again.”

I’m not sure if she’s joking. I pick up my mug, which seems to have stabilized for the moment, taking a careful sip. The latte is sweet with a hint of spice. Suddenly, a cone forms as soon as I finish the first sip.

In seconds, it flings out tiny pink hearts like a volcanic eruption. They remain, gossamer but seemingly durable as they swirl in the air around me, dancing near my shoulders. One drifts close enough for me to see it’s formed of shimmering light. I gasp softly, anticipating more eruptions when I take a longer drink, but this time, it only releases a small cloud of hearts.

She lifts her mug, covering a faint smile. “Bella’s monthly specials are always...theatrical.”

I glance at her, feeling oddly shy. She’s unnervingly beautiful, with the kind of ethereal look that suggests she isn’t fully human. She mentioned being Crystal’s daughter, but Crystal looks maybe ten years older than me. Vandria is maybe a few years younger than me. I search for a logical explanation. She might have excellent genes or a great cosmetic surgeon. Or she really might be a vampire, which is insane.

She glances around the shop, then lowers her voice. “You must have questions.”

I set the latte down. “Understatement of the year.”