She nods. “There’s a kiosk on the ground floor. Let’s go.”

We head back down, passing other teams struggling to see behind gears. Outside at the kiosk, a clockwork golem wearing a vest of brass plates awaits. Its mechanical eyes whirl with a gentle hum.

I steel myself. “Fifteen gold gears, right?”

The golem’s mouth opens with a clicking sound. “Correct. Please proceed to your next clue.” A miniature door slides open in its chest, presenting us with a sealed envelope.

Vandria snatches it, scanning it quickly. “We need to head across town to the restaurant. “Beastly Bites,” and something about an enchanted kitten. Let’s move.”

We jog off, the golden lantern flickering in enthusiasm at my shoulder. A competitive urge flares in me, surprising in its intensity. Maybe I want to prove I’m not just a surly outsider, or maybe I’m enjoying the challenge more than I’ll admit. Either way, Vandria’s right by my side, matching my pace stride for stride.

“BEASTLY BITES” IS BUSTLINGwith festival-goers grabbing dinner. We slip around the corner to find a smaller courtyard, following the riddle’s instructions.“Seek the creature that darts through flame. Catch the stolen clue and make your claim.”

“Darts through flame?” I mutter. “Some kind of fire spirit?”

We spot a tiny kitten on the patio, tail aflame with harmless purple fire. Its big eyes fix on us. Then it meows, dashes over, and snags a scrap of parchment from Vandria’s belt with its teeth. Before either of us can react, it blinks out of sight, reappearing on a balcony ledge above.

Vandria stifles laughter. “Teleporting feline. Perfect.”

I roll my shoulders, locking onto the cat. “I got this.”

The next few minutes are a series of humiliations. Each time I edge close, it teleports behind me or onto a higher ledge, flicking its flaming tail tauntingly. The courtyard crowd giggles as I scramble after it.

At last, Vandria stands in the center of the patio, arms folded, a sly grin on her face. “That’s not working. Let me try.”

She crouches, extending a hand. In a coaxing tone, she whispers nonsense words. The kitten cocks its head. Slowly, it teleports down, touches her hand with its little nose, and purrs. Vandria strokes its ears, retrieving the stolen note.

I watch, half-exasperated, half-impressed. “Good job.”

She laughs. “It’s the vampire charm.”

I straighten. “I thought you said you’re just another species?”

She sends me a wicked grin. “Yep. A species that can be very persuasive.”

She hands me the clue. I try not to think too hard about how her eyes can do that to me too.

We hurry to the next location. According to the note, we must find a riddle hidden in the “Moonlit Inn’s” library. The hallways are quieter now that most folks are out hunting clues. Candlelit sconces cast flickering shadows on the wood-paneled walls. My footsteps slow as we approach a large door labeledPrivate Reading Room.

Inside, rows of ancient books line tall shelves, and a battered table stands in the center. A single open tome rests there, glowing faintly. Vandria glances at me. “Looks like our riddle.”

We inch closer, each leaning over a corner of the table. The text shimmers, reorganizing into a new message.

When dawn meets dusk in whispered hush,

Look to the lines that hold the rush.

Find the phrase the lover penned,

Say it aloud, your heartbreak to mend.

I blow out a breath, scanning the old book. It’s a romantic epic about star-crossed lovers in a magical realm. Vandria flips pages. Our heads practically bump as we skim lines. Heat creeps up my neck, aware of how close we are. She murmurs directions, pointing to passages in a swirling language that half translates itself.

Finally, she finds a phrase in bold.“We’re bound by fate, yet free to choose.”

My pulse trips in my chest. Something about the line resonates too closely with my current situation. Her mouth curves into the barest smile before she whispers the phrase, “We’re bound by fate, yet free to choose.”

The text in the tome flashes gold. A new scrap of parchment unfurls from between the pages, falling into my hand. My heart races, though I can’t name why. Maybe it’s her intoxicating proximity, or the riddles that keep hinting at destiny. Either way, I’m relieved when we gather up the clue and hurry out of the room.