No time like the present,Liam realized. So, he got up and went over to sit with Anna.
Her smile caused his heart to waver, and he nearly leaned in and kissed her gorgeous mouth before sitting down. It was the kind of siren’s call that could only barely be resisted. She didn’t need to sing; she just needed to enter his line of sight, and he remembered how good it felt to feel her soft lips against him.
But he forced himself into the chair, delaying that kiss until it was a little less likely that three other women would see him do it. Maybe he could get them to be the final ones off the plane.
“We’re almost there,” Anna said, giddy. “I’m pretty sure Avril intends for us to visit Nadi Market before we leave for whatever island she’s booked us at. If we go right away, we should arrive when it’s just opening.”
“That sounds good to me. Sample some local stuff?”
Anna nodded. “She knows I like to engage a little bit with the culture of wherever we’re visiting, not just rush off to aprivate beach and miss out on more normal sights. I know she’ll be more than happy to engage in more exotic experiences, like snorkeling. I hope that’s alright.”
“I’m happy to linger a little, yeah,” he said. “It’s a trip for everyone, so I’m glad Avril’s keeping the things you like to do in mind.”
“I’ll enjoy the beaches too, of course,” Anna said.
They weren’t so far away from the others that it was safe to rule out eavesdropping, but they were doing their own things, so maybe they wouldn’t hear. If anyone did, they didn’t make it obvious.
“And I’ll enjoy seeing you on those beaches,” he replied.
As was customary, Anna blushed. But not as much as she might have in the past. Instead, he suspected she was quietly grappling with the hope that they’d find some alone time on one of those beaches—and sooner than later.
While everyone on board could say they were taller than her, only Victoria could say she was bustier than Anna. And as of right now, as he hadn’t ever touched Victoria’s breasts, he knew her breasts were also the most sensitive on the trip.
While he’d managed to bring Tess and Avril plenty of bliss with his hands, neither of them could climaxsolelyfrom breast play. For Annabelle Royce, however, she could do it—she could do it a lot. She adored his touch, and he was certain the skills he’d shown off a little while ago had piqued her interest. He’d very much like a chance to run his hands up and down her voluptuous figure, leaving her skin glistening, sensitive, and primed for a little deeper pressure into her heavy breasts. She had such lovely moans, especially when she climaxed. She always tried to keep them on the softer side, as if slightly ashamed to be making such lewd sounds. However, she always ended up losing that fight, and then they flowed like a sonata.
They hadn’t yet had sex. They hadn’t even really talked about it, either. There were still a few steps before it became the last thing they hadn’t yet done. Whether Fiji ended up leading to those steps or whether it led to them going even further, Liam had his hopes, but he didn’t intend to push Anna beyond her comfort zone.
“I’ll enjoy it when that happens, too,” Anna said.
Liam grinned. “Even when it’s just the two of us?”
“Especiallywhen it’s just the two of us,” she confirmed, anticipation shimmering in her eyes. Therightkind of anticipation. The kind that heated his blood.
His grin stayed in place a little longer, but he knew now was the right time to bring up his aspirations with the others—Victoria, especially. The ability for eavesdropping had just gone down. Avril and Victoria had just moved over to Tess, putting their two groups in opposite quadrants of the cabin. He needed to get this part done. He knew he could get away with shocking Avril, that any revelation about him and Victoria wouldn’t spoil her vacation. But it was a different story with Anna, much the same as with Tess. He needed more than just her awareness; he needed her permission, her blessing.
“You have as many vouchers for free massages as you want,” he began.
“I know,” Anna said, surprising him with the tangible heat and ardor in her voice. “That’s why I’m looking forward to it just being the two of us at some point.”
“At a few points, with any luck,” he said, finding it harder and harder to resist his initial urge to kiss her. “I hope you’ll be among the first, not the last.”
“Me too. But I think Tess will want another one pretty soon. And I even think Victoria looked likely to ask for one.”
So, shehadnoticed Victoria’s interest in how his hands had undone her colleague’s stress. He’d hoped she would; she wasusually very good at noticing what was happening around her. All the way back in winter break, she’d spotted the way he and Tess felt about one another.
“I’d like to give each of you at least one. Full-body ones, if you’ll all let me. If that’s okay.”
“It’s alright with me,” Anna said.
Don’t treat that like she just gave her full permission,Liam told himself. A massage was one thing, but he knew he wanted to go farther with the voluptuous professor. Much, much farther.
Liam struggled to find the right words, and he was pretty confident he ultimately didn’t. “Even, you know, if they’re like the ones I’d like to give you? I’ve been practicing a lot for this trip, hoping I might get a few chances to show off how far I’ve come.”
The light of understanding dawned within Anna’s eyes. Her gaze suddenly snapped toward the other three women in the cabin, though he knew she was staring at the woman with the next darkest hair on the trip. After a moment, they hastened back to him.
“You’re saying… like you and Tess are?”
Shock, not anger, disappointment, or betrayal, reflected in her eyes. Even… awe, perhaps?