Hyram reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he growled as I quietly laughed. Chet was something fucking else. And it was no secret that he and William were into some kinky shit. I was honestly surprised Chet wasn’t sporting some kind of bruising around his throat or wrists. He usually was. William was extremely rough with him, but Chet loved it.
Rurik turned away from the window, lowering his phone from his ear. His eyes were cold and flinty, and the muscle in his jaw was ticking. He let his eyes meet mine, but he addressed the room as he spoke.
“The Savage Dreams ordered the hit on Anatoly. According to my contact, he thought if he took out Anatoly, he could begin dismantling the GBMC.”
“What the fuck,” Hyram growled.
Rurik slid his hands into his pockets, the perfect picture of calm, cool, and collected even though fury crackled beneath his skin. “Trying to take out Anatoly was their first mistake. Actually hitting Malik was their second.” He looked at Hyram. “War’s started.”
Hyram closed his eyes and sighed heavily. “I’ll get everyone on board at home.” He looked back at Rurik. “Get him home where he’s safe as soon as possible.”
With that, Hyram turned on his heel and left the room. Chet smiled at me. “See you in a few days, brother.” With that, he followed Hyram out of my hospital room.
I looked at Rurik once the door shut behind them. “What’s the game plan here?”
Rurik settled himself on the edge of my hospital bed, and he reached up, fingering the chain around my neck like it soothed him to see it there. Like something in him quieted when he touched my throat and felt the warm steel resting against my skin.
“We get you out of here as soon as possible, and I get you home.”
“And you?” I asked quietly. I hated how vulnerable my voice sounded. Now that I’d finally given in to him, I didn’t want to be apart from him. Even now, just with him touching my neck and fingering my collar, my head was blissfully quiet, and I didn’t feel so on edge.
“What about me, baby?” he asked, lifting his gaze to meet mine.
I swallowed thickly, forcing myself to be vulnerable for just a moment, even if it made my skin crawl. “Are you going back to Washington?” I asked.
He shook his head. “Nah, baby. I’m wherever you are, Shadow.”
Denis eased the SUV to a stop as close to the front doors of the clubhouse as he could before shutting the engine off. I turned my gaze from my laptop and focused on Malik. He’d fallen asleep not long after we left the hospital, and he still hadn’t woken up. The pain meds the hospital had him on had to be some good shit.
Silently, I closed my laptop and set it aside, then leaned over and brushed my fingers over the side of Malik’s neck, slipping my index finger beneath the thick chain. He shifted slightly before grunting, his brows pulling low in pain, but he continued sleeping.
I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to keep that other side of me locked down. I’d taken out the man who harmed him, and with time, the Savage Dreams MC would be taken care of, too. Until then, I just needed to wait patiently—something I prided myself on being able to do—and take care of Malik so he was healthy.
Eventually, I would need him to reach out to Kaleen and find out what the fuck happened and why a meeting hadn’t happened, but not yet. Not until Malik was a little more healed and not constantly doped up on pain pills.
Despite Kaleen being part of the rival crew, I was damn sure he wouldn’t turn his back on Malik. He didn’t strike me as that kind of man. Hell, he’d gone against his club to meet up with Malik. And from what I knew of the man, I had a feeling he wouldn’t be pleased that his friend had taken two bullets that had almost killed him—bullets that had been issued by the SDMC.
“Malik,” I murmured, gently tugging on the chain around his neck. “Come on, baby. Wake up. We’re home.”
He slowly peeled his eyes open and lifted his head off the window. Reaching up with his good arm since his other one was in a sling per my instructions since he couldn’t just seem to keep it fucking still, he rubbed at his tired eyes. Finally, he turned his head to look at me, and I slipped my finger beneath the chain on his neck again, loving the weight there. “You good?” I asked, running my eyes over his face.
“Mhm,” he grumbled. “Tired. Fuck these meds.”
I chuckled. “You need them.” Abram, one of the soldiers, opened Malik’s door then, and I tugged on his chain when he angled to get out. “Wait,” I ordered. “Don’t move.”
He didn’t put up an argument. Hedidarch an eyebrow at me, but he stayed quiet and obediently sat still.
Good boy.
He was learning.
Denis opened my door, and I slid out before walking around to Malik’s side. Holding my hand out, I beckoned him to place his hand in mine. When he did, I helped him out of the SUV. Once he was on his feet, I laced our fingers together, then led him inside the clubhouse. Chet and William were sitting on the couch, and Chet was napping with his head resting on William’s shoulder. William tipped his chin up at me in greeting but didn’t say a word, ever the silent one.
Hyram was at the bar pouring himself a drink, and he lifted the bottle of whiskey in his hand in greeting. “Welcome home, brother,” he said, directing his words to Malik.