“Bring the car around,” I ordered as I slipped my shoes on. “We need to go pick up Malik.”
The bar Malikand Kaleen had decided on was a dive bar basically in the middle of nowhere, but I knew enough about the area to know this was unclaimed, neutral territory. It made sense they’d decided to talk here, and part of me was relieved that Malik was smart enough to go somewhere where there’d be other people.
It gave him less of a chance to be hurt or killed. If Kaleen had tried something, I would’ve blown Anatoly’s, Shaw’s, and Hyram’s plans of peace out the water. I would’ve gone off the fucking rails and destroyed him and his fucking club for daring to harm my man.
Because Malik wasmine. And it was goddamn time Malik figured that shit out.
Denis opened my door, and I slipped out, rolling my sleeves up to my elbows, revealing the ink bleeding across my forearms. Walking forward, I shoved open the bar door, letting it slam against the wall. Every head in the bar turned to me as I walked inside. My gaze immediately landed on Malik standing beside the bar, and rage pulsed through me.
My vision tinted red at the edges when Kaleen gripped Shadow’s shoulder and said something to him so quietly, I couldn’t hear. I took another step forward, arching a brow at Malik. Every muscle in his body was locked up tight, and for the first time since I’d known him, he looked like he wanted to run.
Run, little rabbit, I silently dared him.I’ll chase you to the ends of the fucking earth. There’s no escaping me.
Kaleen finally began walking toward me, but he didn’t say a word. Just passed me and headed out the door. I slid one of my tattooed hands into my pocket, and with my other hand, I pointed at the door Kaleen had just disappeared through.
I was done being nice to Malik. Done playing his fucking games. Now, we were playingmygame.
“Outside, Shadow,” I growled. “Now.”
It was time to remind Malik who called the shots and who fucking owned him.
Thankfully, Malik followed my orders without a word, but as he passed me to go outside, his anger licked at my skin like a fucking real fire. And it had me half-hard in my slacks. The time to bring him to heel had come, and I wasn’t putting it off any longer. I’d played with him long enough.
The game had finally changed, and I was holding all the cards.
He threw Denis a flinty glare as Denis opened the door for him, but Denis just stared blankly ahead, more than used to Malik’s attitude by now. Hell, all of my men were. And I was pretty sure they were wondering why the fuck Malik didn’t have a bullet through his skull for the shit he’d pulled earlier. Had any of them tried what Malik did, they would’ve already been on their way to the crematorium.
But not Malik. NevermyMalik. Even if Anatoly pulled something, I’d lose my shit. And Anatoly knew this. It was theonlyreason he was giving me an opportunity to fix this beforehe had to step in and make Malik disappear. He knew as well as I did that if something happened to Malik, he’d have to put me down, too.
Once Malik was inside the backseat of the SUV, I slid in beside him. Turning his head, Malik stared out the window, his jaw clenched tight. Neither of us said a word, and tense silence filled the vehicle as Denis slid into the driver’s seat and pulled off down the road.
When we finally reached the hotel, Malik shoved open his door, not even waiting for one of the soldiers to open the door for him. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath, seeking patience I didn’t feel like I had. Both of us exploding would do us no good, and we’d get nowhere. Malik already didn’t respond well to me, but his response to rage was even worse.
I had to keep my head about me, even if I wanted to do nothing more than pin him to the nearest surface and drive my cock inside of him over and over again until all he could focus on was obeying me and moaning my fucking name.
Denis opened my door, and I slid out, nodding once at him. “This will be all, Denis. Take the rest of the day off.” I clapped his shoulder, then headed inside, following after Malik. When I walked into the lobby, he was already impatiently jabbing his finger against the button for the elevator.
The woman working the front desk was eyeing him with trepidation, and it made my jaw clench. Letting my eyes meet hers, I stepped up and pressed my hand to Malik’s lower back.
She instantly cast her eyes away, her cheeks coloring in shame.
“Get your fucking hand off of me,” Malik growled, his voice low and threaded through with an undercurrent of danger.
“Get your temper under control before one of the employees calls the police on you and I have to get you out of trouble again,” I quietly warned. “You’re frightening the front desk employee.”
“Fuck her.”
My lips quirked with a smirk, and I leaned in, letting my lips trail over his ear as I whispered, “If you touch anyone that’s notme, I will haul your ass to Washington and chain you to my bed, where you will live out the rest of your fucking days.”
He swung his wide, shocked eyes to mine just as the elevator doors opened. I stepped to the side, hooking my fingers in Malik’s belt loops to tug him back with me. I let an easy, carefree smile tilt my lips as I inclined my head to the couple stepping out. They returned my smile, and then, their steps faded away as they headed toward the exit.
Malik stepped inside the metal box, removing my hand from his jeans. I stepped in with him, and he jabbed the finger for our floor before slamming his finger over the button to close the doors.
As soon as those shiny, metal doors closed, I pounced.