He gently pulled her away with Teagan’s help, and instead, they checked Jacky’s injuries together, making sure she thought they were clean enough to continue healing naturally.
Then Niko got back. Dirk could feel magic as it filled the air, penetrating every one of his senses. It was more than smell like they normally identified magic being used. It was everything and everywhere, overwhelming and intense. Olivia sank to the floor, her eyes wide. Teagan leaned on the wall over her. Niko entered the room first, and there she was, the one they really needed.
Staff in hand and a small drawstring and leather bag on her back, Subira walked into the room confidently, her young face doing nothing to trick anyone about her age. The wisdom in her eyes was too deep, and the air of power around her was ancient.
“There’s Jacky,” Niko said softly as Subira walked past him, heading straight for Jacky.
“I see,” Subira whispered, running a hand over Jacky’s cheek. “You’ve all done well taking care of her so far. Good job.” She looked at Dirk, sadness in her eyes. “I’m sorry your happy dayended like this. Thank you for bringing her.” Subira used her staff to point at Olivia. “I will have need of you.”
“Oh?” Olivia couldn’t believe it, but Dirk knew why, as everyone in the family did.
“Yes. I am too powerful to heal the way you can. You have proper training, but you need more power. We can help each other. You will keep my daughter’s body alive. I will do the rest.”
“I’m not that powerful. Big healing normally requires groups of witches, and the best of them gets to control the spell, sometimes multiple?—”
“You need more, and I have it,” Subira said, putting her staff against the wall next to Olivia. “Get up. You know how to use the magic from someone or something else. It’s basic training, as you just mentioned. Part of how you heal in these times.”
“Yes,” she whispered.
Subira pulled out a knife and bowl from the bag. She cut open her hand and bled into the bowl until it was full, not seeming bothered by the loss.
“Here. Power,” Subira said, holding it out to Olivia, who seemed terrified of the blood in the bowl.
“I am the most powerful witch still active in the world. Take the offer and help my daughter,” Subira said, quickly losing her patience. Olivia took the bowl, her hands shaking. “Now, I will be unavailable. It’s difficult working around fae magic, but I can do it. I just need everyone to leave me be.”
“Fae?” Dirk looked at his dad, who had spoken at the same time.
“Yes, fae. This was done by something from the fae. Hasan is investigating. We’ll learn more when he has more. Now, leave me to work. Olivia, you can start healing whenever you’re ready. If you somehow need more, I shall offer it.”
Subira lay on the bed next to Jacky, her hand on Jacky’s cheek, and closed her eyes.
Dirk sat down, ready to help Olivia.
It was time to really get down to work.
“Look at what you’ve done this time,” a deep voice said, smooth and annoyed.
I opened my eyes, not wanting to see the one speaking, but knowing I couldn’t run from him.
“Hello, Hasan,” I said, seeing him across the room, leaning on the wall, his gold eyes showing every single ounce of annoyance I had just heard in his voice. His natural eye color was some shade of brown, but I saw it so rarely now. Every time we had to speak, I had gotten into some sort of trouble and that made him feel certain ways. I always saw the gold in recent days, the same that I had, thanks to the curse. There were other shades of gold if someone was lazy with describing the colors, though most were too yellow or too orange to match Hasan’s particular pure gold. Except mine. Hasan and I matched perfectly.
“That’s all you have to say? Hello? Once again, I’ve wondered if you were going to survive another fight you shouldn’t have been in, and all you have to say ishello?” His anger filled the room and left me sinking in the bed, unable to maintain eye contact with him.
“What else am I supposed to say?” I asked, crossing my arms. Everything hurt. My back and legs were the worst of the pain. Whatever fight I had gotten into had left me messed up.
“I want you to stop this nonsense before you die!” Hasan roared. “Before you break our family with that level of pain. We can’t lose you like Liza!”
“You won’t.” I tried to believe that myself. I had to repeat it to myself every day, hoping and praying it wasn’t going to be the day I didn’t make it home.
“Are you sure? Because from where I’m standing, it seems like you have a death wish.” Hasan snapped, coming closer to the bed. In an effort to avoid his glare, I looked around the room, realizing I was on his island, in his mansion, and particularly, the room he had specifically designed for me.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been here…