Page 5 of Tainted Blood

“What do you think? Clearly, whoever is writing these emails will be there. There’s no way they didn't mean the gathering in New York.”

“The smartest thing to do during a normal event would be to increase the level of security,” Isaiah said, frowning. “That doesn't work in this situation. Security would have to be equal in strength or stronger than the guests. For years, the gatherings have… self-policed because of this problem. The idea of getting a group of vampires to patrol the halls while not powerful enough to actually help, never seemed productive. It would be an insult to everyone there and the security would only get themselves killed. It doesn't work in this situation.”

“I figured it would deter them, but don’t we want them there so we can… meet them? Try to flush them out?”

“You’re not going to be bait,” Alexius growled without looking in my direction. “Isaiah, she will not be our bait. Is that clear?”

“I would never dream of asking her to be.”

“I didn’t suggest I should be,” I added quickly. I was changing a lot. In six months, I had done a lot of things I never thought I would be capable of or brave enough to do. However, none of those things were enough to give me the courage to be bait.

“Don’t even keep it as a backup plan,” Alexius said, looking between Isaiah and me. “It won’t happen.”

“Then let’s get back on topic…” Isaiah sounded like he wanted to roll his eyes. “Everly, increased security won’t deter anyone from coming to my country home next week. It’s not threatening to them. That’s what I was trying to say. Whoever this is or the group they work within won’t be concerned by that. Every single person coming to my home is roughly my age or older, and as a reminder, I’m over two thousand years old.”


“We’re talking about vampires that are either like Alexius or like me,” Isaiah continued. “Most of them, at least. Either loners that had to find community after centuries alone or those who built the bedrock of our society ages ago… Helped me with it, any ways. These are the oldest of politicians, the oldest wanderers, and the oldest warriors. This sort of game is probably one of the politicians.”

Isaiah leaned back in his chair, and I could see the large glass windows behind him, which gave him a beautiful view of New York City. When people said Isaiah was the Master of New York, I had always assumed it was the city itself, and that was where most of his nest resided. It was only recently that I learned he was the Master of the entire state.

“It could be a problem if it’s someone like me.” Alexius said softly, just as thoughtful as Isaiah.

I didn’t know what he meant by that. I knew a lot about Alexius. I knew he didn’t remember his human life, and much of his life as a vampire was a mindless existence until he met Jacob. There was reason to believe he was a few thousand years old, coming from a place that predated Macedonia. It could have been the age and memory thing, but I couldn’t help but wonder if it was the berserker thing, something I hadn’t yet seen and wasn’t sure I wanted to.

Actually, I’m pretty certain I don’t. Berserker has a very clear meaning.

“I know,” Isaiah replied, running a hand through his hair. “This email is bold, meant to cause fear, to make Everly jumpy, looking over her shoulder. I think we continue as planned. It’s not like you can leave her at home, not with this email. We can’t take the risk they wouldn’t come down here and take her hostage. Maybe that’s what they’re hoping for. For this to scare you enough to leave her there and grab her while you’re away.”

“I’m not…” My brows pushed together in thought and confusion as I tried to figure out why I would be the target. “I don’t want to be taken hostage by anyone, but why me? How would that help them?”

“Because you’re near me, and if they want to hurt me, they’ll go for you.”

“But Rupert and everyone else will still be here. What if they get hurt?”

“They’re human,” Isaiah said simply, shrugging a shoulder. “As much as Alexius loves his human staff, theyarehuman. Easier for him to live with and… sadly, easier to replace. You’re his to protect, to train, to shelter… a vampire he willingly spends his time with and took responsibility for. You would be a good mark.”

I looked at Alexius, who sighed heavily and nodded.

“You’re mine to protect. That’s why I take your defense training so seriously. You know this. We’ve had this discussion.”

“Yeah, but taking me hostage just seems like a bit much,” I mumbled into my drink.

“You would think that,” Isaiah said, chiming in from the screen with a chuckle. “I think we don’t play their game. Alexius, if you need to step away while you’re here, just leave Everly with me. Between you and me, she won’t be alone long enough for anyone to harass her.”

“Thank you. That’s what I needed to hear,” Alexius said, reaching for his phone. “And our rooms while we’re there? Can you meet that request?”

“I picked your rooms personally. You’ll be in the same suite. Sharing a bathroom and living space but not bedrooms. Neither room has windows. The suite is in the basement and has the closest access to the escape tunnel in that wing. If anything goes awry, you will be able to get her to safety.”

“You made special requests about where we’re staying?” I asked him. “Do you think someone is going to attack us?”

“No, but it’s better to be safe than sorry,” Alexius retorted, his gaze flicking to me before it went back to Isaiah. “And the other thing…”

“I’ll have something for you when you arrive. Now, it’s my turn to make some requests while I have you both. Neither of you have replied to my email about the recommended wardrobe. Alexius, if Everly isn’t properly dressed, the others will be like sharks in the water, wondering why you let her look casual when they won’t be. You know it. I know you don’t pay much attention to fashion, but it’s managed for you. Get someone to help her and make sure she comes well-dressed. I won’t have her being a laughingstock because you don’t care about these things.”

My face flushed with every sentence, glaring at Isaiah.

“I dress just fine,” I hissed softly.