Page 116 of Collateral Damage

“Very well.”

“Objection. Murder is murder. She murdered in cold blood, no matter the reason, she still took multiple lives! Miss Blackthorne clearly needs to be aided by a professional psychiatrist. She is only nineteen and has gone through something no young adult should endure. Who’s to say she was not brainwashed? Drugged? She is clearly unwell. She was fornicating with a killer, your honour!”

He clasps at already cut strings and the voices behind me get louder. Whispers stretching across the length of the room but somehow, I just know they are no longer for me.

“But it was ok for my father to kill an innocent woman on the wim that she was guilty? Was it ok for an officer to open fire on Miss Moore for trying to protect me? Those were acceptable? Will he get punished for that? Will he spend the next six years behind bars?” I spit, slamming my arms down harshly on my desk, half expecting the judge to correct me but instead he says nothing, holding his chin as he peers at this arrogant ass hat prosecutor like he’s the one who’s lost it.

“She should be charged, your honour, we will be setting a terrible example.”

“I object.I object.I object.I object.

I object.I object

I object.

I object.I object.I object.

I object.I object.

I object.I object.I object.I object.”

The entire room sings words that leave my jaw grounded, all standing like a wave crashing into my heavy heart, bringing pools to my eyes as I rest my gaze on Kacey, who stands with her parents, smiling gently at me like they have never been prouder.

“We object.”

“At this point, I would ordinarily give a detailed review and an assessment of all the evidence that has been given to me today. However, given the nature of this circumstance. I am going to keep this very brief. Miss Blackthorne, has been trialled today for indulging in the likes of criminal activity with a woman who is now not here to plead her case, shot on sight by a member of the CPD during infiltration where Miss Hayley Moore did in fact go willingly. It is alleged that on the evening of October thirtieth, Miss Blackthorne was abducted and held against her will. Since such events Miss Blackthorne has documented everything, she has done from that time to current date and all would have been raw, honest and are all justified. I have no doubt that Miss Blackthorne was in fact held against her will and is indeed a victim to an unfortunate circumstance, but she has not only told the truth, she has come forward and shared her story as well as Miss Moore’s. She has in no way denied her feelings or relations with her kidnapper during her time held captive and has given a solid argument as to why. There is an unfortunate number of cases in which individuals have been wrongfully convicted on the basis of eyewitnesstestimony, which Miss Blackthorne has elaborated with us all today. I also find Miss Blackthorne to be a credible victim in such an unexpected situation. I accept her testimony that she did indeed share an intimate relationship with Miss Moore during her disappearance. But we have enough evidence to back up why Miss Blackthorne was not in any way in danger by her kidnapper. I appreciate that Miss Blackthorne must have had a horrible experience, and her trauma shall not go unnoticed, as will not many other cases,starting today.” My eyes bulge out my sockets, watching as he speaks to the audience with an emotion I can’t put my finger on.Frustration? Familiarity?Starting today?Was that him making a stand with me?

“Miss Blackthorne has made it very clear to me that there are far bigger issues at hand besides the killing and passing of Miss Moore and with that. Our criminal justice system requires that before someone can be found guilty of a criminal offence, their guilt must be established beyond reasonable doubt. In the circumstances of this case, based on the evidence I have seen and heard by Miss Blackthorne today. I conclude that the crown has not established this case beyond reasonable doubt. Miss Blackthorne, I will ask you to stand now.”

I rise to my feet, as my knees buckle with anticipation, looking back at Kacey who has a smile growing across her face from ear to ear and I realise that this is really happening.

“I can confirm, I find younot guiltyof your allegations during the time of your disappearance. You are free to leave. This case is closed.” A loud bang graces the room, filling my ears with an uproar of applause that push water out my eyes.I really did it.I fought my case and in doing so I hope that maybe now something will change. That the justice system will listen. That domestics and child abuse will be taken seriously. That it will no longer get swept under the rug. That kids like her may seehappier days and will not be brought up to know only pain and suffering. That they will have a voice.

Like I was hers.

And I know she would probably want to strangle me just as much as want to kiss me right now, a bittersweet smile forming on my face at the thought as I look around the room all cheering for me, so loud I can barely hear myself think. I search for Kacey who is already running at me to catch me in a warm hug and I want to pull away but my arms fall around her, weeping into her little salmon pink dress.

Things are going to change.

Starting now.



Play - ‘BLUE - Billie Eilish’

Thanks for the rideeeeee!” Kacey hangs off my arm like a dead body as she waves to the handsome chauffeur. She is adamant he is a taxi driver but she is too drunk to comprehend that we did not, in fact, get into the back of a taxi to get home.

She didn’t drink as much as usual, but her tolerance is clearly gone because she can barely walk on a few vodkas that I also had and I caught myself wanting a bottle of corona which made me smile for a moment before I had to hold back the waterworks. It was a good birthday and I made sure I did whatshewanted. I went out like normal girls do for their 21st with a few other girls I’ve made friends with.

Friends. It’s still such a foreign concept to me but it has been nice to have girly company. Girlhood is definitely something now that I can actually experience it. Besides being hit on by every Tom Dick and Harry. I’m not interested. My phones always blowing up with messages but I leave them on read.

“Come on, you cripple, let's get you inside.”

She groans with disapproval as I drag her through her overly large door, greeted by her mom who patiently waited for us to get home safely before she went to bed. In many ways I see so much of my mom in her that my loss was never completely lost.She lives on through her and it's been nice to have a mother figure in my life again. Her father is just as kind and has done nothing but make life as easy as possible. They offered for me to stay with them permanently after my trial and I accepted. I was not sure at first and spent many weeks telling myself it was the wrong decision, that I knew where I wanted to be, but logistically it was not feasible, so I stayed and I am happy I did. It's been easier to get through the past two yearsbut not easy enough.

“I see you ladies had a good evening! Happy birthday Alo. I didn’t catch you in time to say it before I left for work this morning!” Her mom gawks at us as I yank Kacey’s dead weight into the front door, smiling with amusement as she helps her off me.