Page 173 of Sin City Lights

“Dark Magic.”

“Let’s go with that.”

Eve plucked a pod from the dispenser carton.

Maddie took it and popped it into the Keurig.“I understand you’re working toward your undergrad degree?”

“Yes, at UNLV. I’m almost done.”

“Would you be interested in some other type of work? There’s an assistant spot opening next week, and they need it filled ASAP.”

“Who would I be assisting?”

Maddie added cream to her coffee.“Me. Much of it is paperwork, but you would also get some time with patients. I figured I would ask you before advertising the position to the public.”

Eve gave her a big smile.“I would be very interested.”

“Great! Come see me after closing. I’ll fill you in on the details,and we can talk a bit. See if it’s the right fit for you.”

“Will do.”

Well, this was an unexpected stroke of luck. Eve couldn’t wait to discuss the alternate position. It would be good to apply her training, and if the pay were better, that would be a plus.

Filled with renewed energy, Eve picked up the lunches and made her way back to the front, a spring in her step. Sensible shoes felt strange on her feet. Over the years, stilettos had become second nature, but they had no place in a physical therapy practice. She didn’t miss the discomfort, but she did miss the boost in height.

“Here you go, Kira.” Eve took her seat, handing over the lunch bag.

“Thanks.” Kira opened the bag, extracting a large roll wrapped in wax paper, her eyes tracking one of the male doctors as he sauntered to his office.

“He is so hot.” She put the roll up to her lips.“Don’t you think?”

Eve busied herself with her bento box.“If you say so.”

Kira’s hazel eyes showed disbelief.“You don’t find him attractive?”

A vision of a perfect Nordic face flashed through her mind.“Not my type.”

Suddenly, from the break room, she heard chatter and unusually raised voices.

“Whoa, he’s circling the airport! Reminds me of one of those kids’ toys on a string!”

“That’s not an airline. What kind of plane is that?”

“One of those little ones.”

“That’s not so small, dude. That’s a private jet.”

“Turn it up!”

Eve frowned.“What’s going on out there?”

Kira shrugged.“Go see. I’ll cover here.”

The break room hummed with excitement, and more and more people were drifting in, their eyes glued to the back wall.

The flat TV was in split screen, a chyron with a red background scrolling at the bottom.