“Then why?”
“I wanted…needed it to be impersonal.”
She smiled.“Well, that sure ended up being a failure.”
He kissed her shoulder.“Complete and utter. You took me by surprise.”
“I did?”
“You know you did. You turned to sexual napalm under my hands.”
“Sexual—” She laughed.“That’s a novel way to describe it.”
“Can’t take credit. I stole that one from John Mayer. How would you describe it, then?”
She thought a moment.“Full afterburner takeoff.”
His chuckle was a deep rumble.“I like that better.”
“I thought you might.”
“How did you know that term?”
She turned and fitted herself to his side, pushing the covers lower and resting her cheek on his chest. “I watchedTop Gun.”
He wrapped an arm around her back. “And did you like it?”
“Loved it. After the movie, I clicked on a documentary about the realTop Gunguys. It was fascinating. Crazy that they use their muscles to direct the blood back to their brains so they don’t pass out from G-forces.”
“It is.”
She traced circles on his upper abs. “It’s hard to believe those planes exist, let alone that there are pilots who fly them.”
“We’ve got one.”
“You do?”
He nodded. “Former Navy guy. He’s going to fly the 2024 for us.”
“Why aren’t you going to fly it?”
Adam chuckled. “Part of being a good pilot is to know your limitations.”
“Do you want to?”
“No,” he answered without hesitation.
“Why not?”
“I fly what I like. Aerobatics and high speed have never been my thing. I like to savor the experience.” He grinned. “Those guys can never view the scenery and eat cream pie up there.”
“For sure.” Eve smiled, remembering how nervous and excited she’d been that day.
She slid her hand across his chest to smooth it back and forth over his shoulder. After a beat, Eve ventured to ask what she’d been wondering from their first encounter.“Why did you do what you did that first night, Adam?”
“Are we playing five questions?”
“You started it,” she pointed out.