It’s the reminder I need and nodding curtly, I stalk into the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee.
I feel like death warmed over and I might puke any minute now, but I can look at Joker without seeing three of him. I’m calling it progress.
The guys slink into church and sit around me, but I ignore the wary stares as Joker stalks in and slams his fist on the table. I know what they think but they’re wrong. This isn’t me pining over some strawberry blonde, nope, this is a reminder. Women don’t belong in this world. Just ask my mother…
Silence falls while I wait greedily for something to focus on. I’ve never felt more fucking ready to unleash my rage. My skin practically vibrates with it.
“Seems some fucker goes by the name Boner was at Danny’s house.”
“Boner?” Romeo guffaws and I sit up. That place was empty when I went there the other day and who the fuck is Boner?
Joker rolls his eyes and barks, “Quiet down.”
The guys settle down once more and Joker’s gaze moves to me. “Place was shot up. Buncha wannabe thugs and their women dead.”
Dead. Women.
I search his gaze with my heart in my throat and when he shakes his head, I lean over my knees, exhaling quietly. Thank fuck.
We may not get along. We may never get along, but I love my sister just as much as Duke, sitting next to me. It doesn’t matter if she hates me for who I am.
The revelation rolls through me, and I rub my brow. Accepting the truth isn’t always easy, this I know from years of hating my own damn mother. Lilli was cut from the same cloth. Shit, she even spent her life listening to her daddy spout off against us.
It’s no wonder she chose the path she’s already on. I just wish Rose had done the same because hating me and what my MC represents, sure didn’t stop her from dating a thug.
I don’t know what inspired Lilli to go back to her parents though but it’s a moot point. I’ve got zero jurisdiction at the Abernathy house.
Setting aside the burn, I whip up when Joker says, “One of Jersey’s experiments fessed up. Pack up, we’ve got a new lead.”
As the guys exit, I approach Joker. I know I’ve been a total ass since I saw Lilli. If anyone can see behind the mask it's him.Sometimes I hate that, but when he grins and slaps me on the back, I know all is well between us.
“Do you think we’ll find them this time?” I ask. It’s been too long. Every day that we don’t find her, is another day she’s hurt, hungry, and fucking scared.
Joker searches my gaze, his brows furrowed before saying, “I do.”
Having hope is a slippery fucking slope but I feel the brutal burn as Joker winks and stalks from the room. After a moment, I follow him out to the front of the building where my brothers are suiting up for the coming confrontation.
Romeo, whose road name matches his reputation with the ladies, laughs at something Trike says before mounting his bike. Cash tosses a box of ammo at Duke’s chest which he grabs out of the air with a nod of thanks. Jersey tinkers with something in his hand while Maddox glares broodily into the distance behind him.
These are my brothers, committed to the good fight even though Rose has forsaken them. This is what family is all about and what so many refuse to see. We take care of our own—always.
“Let’s roll,” Joker shouts and I mount my bike, turning my focus to what’s coming. Tonight, I bring home my sister and that’s all that fucking matters.
We spread out as we approach the house. Duke has my flank while Maddox and Romeo went to the West, Cash and Jersey went East and Hand stayed back at the entrance. Joker plans to walk right up to the fucking door.
Much like our compound, this house sits on several acres of property with nothing but trees and wildlife surrounding it. There’s one access point off the highway which two men patrol.
After hours of mind-numbing surveillance, we know at a minimum that they have four other guards on rotation at any given time. They trade out every two hours, which means we’ve seen upwards of eighteen of these assholes in the last few hours.
We left our bikes down the road at an abandoned mill, surrounded by the tall grass in the fields beyond. It’s not ideal for a fast getaway but they’re too loud and would signal our approach before we’re ready.
Although there’s light beyond the curtains in the home, we can’t see inside because they’re all drawn, which means we’ll be going in blind.
I haven’t heard a single brother complain though. This is it. I can feel it. Rose is somewhere inside that house and I’m not fucking leaving without her.
When Jersey does his fancy bird call, Duke and I approach Fucker Number One, who’s leaning against a tree and puffing on a cigarette. His semi-automatic rifle rests on his arm as he inhales and coughs.
“Looks like the motherfucker is bored,” Duke hisses and the man stiffens. Before he can turn, I grab him by the skull and slam his head against the tree. This serves to daze the asshole.