I don’t know who he is, but his black eyes contain a knowledge that sends a shiver of fear through me and the way he cocks his head truly makes me realize that I’m fucked.
It’s almost like he’s saying…tag, you’re fucking it.
“What now? I’ve done everything you said,” I mutter.
The air around me grows cool and I glance at the fucker relaying the message sideways. I recognize his predator vibe, but I’ve got one too.
Asshole. It’s why his and I guess my fucking boss now too, allowed me entrance into his sick world. He saw potential. Yay me.
Now, I just want out especially after finding Penny at the fucking Club. What was she thinking? I don’t even know how to explain the emotions rolling through me, but rage and sheer panic would be my guess.
Looks like she found a way to make me feel after all.
I don’t get caught up for a reason and now it’s too fucking late. I’ve been fighting a losing battle all along, I just wish I had wised up before it got to this place. Fuck me, but Penny will never trust me now and why should she?
Either way, I need to be free of this because I can’t protect Penny while I’m stuck running this asshole’s errands. At first it was worth it because I had access to information it normally would’ve taken years to glean.
It still hasn’t led me to what I need to know the most though. Who is Charming fucking Charlie?
The man sending the douche sitting before me the messages doesn’t care about any of this though and I sense his mood is not receptive. Although I’m itching to do whatever I have to, to be done, I set it aside for now. There will be time soon enough.
“Here,” the minion says, placing a picture before me and my blood runs cold. It’s the fucking boat. That damn boat everyone has been looking for.
“Where did you find this?” I rasp and the minion smiles.
Chapter 27
My teeth chatter as we drive away and wrapping my arms around my middle, I rock in my seat. Is this how Dixie felt when she met up with these skeevy assholes?
If that’s the case, how did she handle it? All I feel is closer to danger and it’s not sexy or glamorous or exciting. As a matter of fact, I might puke.
Who was that man? Why did he look at me as though he knew me? Is he Charming Charlie?
I guess I got what I wanted but now I’m facing something I couldn’t visualize before and it’s not freaking pretty.
This was a huge mistake. Huge.
What I can’t reconcile is how my stupid actions with Mr. G have come to this. It was one damn night. It was gross but in the grand scheme of murder and fucking mayhem no big deal.
Now my sister is dead and I’m facing a nightmare. If this is God's way of punishing me, message received, ten-freaking-fold.
We’re halfway back to town when Hate asks for my address. I repeat it by rote, wondering how long it will take before that man finds me.
If I had anywhere else to go, I’d be gone but there’s no one. I can’t exactly trust Oliver knowing he’s behind half the bullshit I’ve endured but oh how I want to tell him the fresh hell I’ve stepped into.
I’m so completely fucked that I’m numb which is probably a good thing because when we pull up, Oliver is already waiting for me on the porch.
He eyes Hate with a flinty glare and Hate sighs, saying, “You want me to drop you somewhere else?”
I raise a brow which he ignores and whisper instead, “There is nowhere else.”
There’s an extended pause before Oliver stalks toward the vehicle. Beside me, Hate puts the car in gear and says, “For what it’s worth, I don’t think the dick has it out for you.”
“How do you know?” I ask but I’m only half listening. I can’t escape the notion that I saw my end and it wasn’t fucking pretty.