“Does it matter?”
Maeve flinches and covers her mouth. Oliver stalks toward me and when I attempt to turn away, he grabs my chin. “What did you just say?”
“What? Just answer me!” I scream.
Oliver leans into my face and I cringe. If ever there was a time to back away it’s now but he’s got me cornered in the fucking chair.
“Did you do it? Maybe it was an accident?” I whisper and he cocks his head. ”Maybe you were protecting someone?”
If I weren’t watching him so closely, I might have missed the flicker because it’s gone that quickly.
“Why?” I sob and he shakes his head. A message for me I suppose as Diem says, “What are you saying? What’s she saying?”
Averting my gaze, I lock eyes with Maeve. I’d bet money she knows more than she’s let on to these fuckers, but I don’t owe them shit.
“Who’s Charming Charlie?” I ask as Oliver backs up. “Is it Frank McCafferty?”
Diem snorts and runs his hands through his hair. “No.”
“But that boat—“
“Frank is dead,” Diem barks.
“How do you know?” I ask and Willow says softly, “Because I killed him.”
I should be shocked, maybe I am but fuck, it would seem nothing is too fantastical to consider in this group.
Before I can ask, Diem says, “Frank deserved what he got.”
Okay, no love lost between father and son, I’m guessing.
Meeting his dark stare, I say slowly, “Did he hunt them?”
When Diem slowly nods, bowing his head, I murmur, “So, if Frank is dead then who is Charming Charlie?”
“My dad,” Maeve says with a sad smile.
I’m already shaking my head though and blurt, “That’s not possible.”
“How so?” Ramsay asks.
Turning to him, I say, splaying my hands, “Because Charming Charlie is still messaging me.”
The silence that greets my statement would be amusing if the subject matter wasn’t nausea inducing.
As it stands, I’m not sure what to think about their surprise. If they thought it was Mr. G, what does that mean?
“Let me get this straight,” Diem growls. “You’re messaging the freak?”
Shrugging, I say, “Yeah. What else was I supposed to do?”
“How about nothing?” Oliver barks and I roll my eyes.
“Yeah, I just bet you’d like that.”
“Focus,” Ramsay snaps. “What’s the deal with this Charming Charlie?”
“I don’t know. It’s like Dixie was looking for advice from him.”