“As an Exalter, you’re able to make those around you better, stronger, more successful, right?”
“I suppose.”
“Don’t you see? Healers could heal more people of more challenging ailments. Artisans could make more and better goods so more is available for people who need it. Food could taste better, music could sound sweeter.”
The pace of her speech increased as she laid out the possibilities. “I’m not sure what other glamours there are, but you could help them all. You lift people up, essentially. With your help, the kingdom could be the happiest and healthiest it’s ever been.”
I nodded as her words spun through my head, sparking new connections, new possibilities. I’d only ever seen the destruction my “gift” could cause.
“I’ve literally never considered the positive aspects before,” I told her, suddenly wondering why.
“Well, as I see it, that’s a king’s whole job,” she said. “Helping people, taking care of his subjects, looking after their best interests.”
My tone turned surly. “My father sees his job a bit differently.”
King Pontus was only concerned with hisowninterests. Was that why he’d never mentioned the up side of my glamour—apart from how it could help him further enrich and empower himself?
He didn’t want me spreading my “servant’s glamour” around or even acknowledging it. He didn’t believe in a ruler serving his subjects.
For the first time, I considered the possibility that my father was a bad king.
“That much is very clear,” Raewyn said, giving me a jolt. Had she somehow overheard my traitorous internal thought?
It took me a second to realize she’d only been responding to my earlier remark.
“When I am King… someday,” I said, “I will do things differently.”
Even that statement felt like an unforgivable betrayal to my sire. I looked up at Raewyn, half expecting her to condemn me.
Instead, she looked back at me with glistening eyes. Her voice sounded a bit hoarse when she spoke.
“I believe that, Stellon Randalin. I only wish that ‘someday’ was today.”
Chapter 34
A Pretty Good Deal
Why did he have to be like this, so different from who I thought he was?
Whydid he have todothis to me, again and again?
My heart, which had felt solidly frozen toward him less than an hour ago, now seemed to be melting. In a panic, I searched my mind for some of the less endearing things Stellon had said during our time together, trying to rebuild that wall of ice.
There was a sound from the adjoining sitting room. A door opening.
My eyes flew to Stellon’s face, expecting to see panic written there. He looked calm. Pleased even.
What was happening? Had he changed his mind about keeping me a secret?
My gaze went back to the closed bedroom door, afraid that at any moment it would open, and my presence here would be revealed.
There was more clamor from the other room as what sounded like several people entered. A closed door separated us from whomever was on the other side, so I couldn’t see them and they could not see us, but surely this was bad?
Stellon still sat calmly, wearing a half-smile.
I mouthed the words, “Should I hide?” at him.