“I can’t accept it.”
Chapter 33
The Perfect Glamour
“What? Why not?”
It was obvious she loved the gift, so why would she not accept it?
Raewyn held her hand higher and spread her fingers so the hummingbird took off again. Her eyes came down to meet mine.
“Because accepting it will give you the wrong idea.”
“Which is what?” I asked. “That you don’thateme?”
She rolled her eyes. “You know I don’t hate you. But I can’t stay here, and I’m still surprised you even suggested such a thing when you’ve been telling me this whole time it’s too dangerous for me to even be seen in your quarters.”
I almost burst out with my new plan at that moment. But then I thought better of it. She wasn’t in the right mood to hear about it.
There was more in store for her tonight, and I wanted everything to be perfect.
Letting out a whistle, I held my hand up, beckoning the beautiful golden bird. It landed on my finger, its wings still whirring and casting a breeze across my hand.
“That’s too bad,” I said in a regretful tone. “I guess I’ll have it melted down.”
Raewyn’s hands shot out toward me. “No, don’t.”
Then she narrowed her eyes at me. “You are incorrigible, do you know that?”
She whistled and the little bird left my finger to fly to hers. When it settled, she touched it tenderly.
“I can’t let you destroy this precious little fellow… which of course you knew.”
Her gaze slipped up to lock with mine.
“But this changes nothing,” she said. “I am leaving when the Assemblage ends, just as you promised me I could—unless you’re planning to hold me against my will like all those poor girls in your father’s retinue.”
“I would never do that to you,” I said, and I meant it.
I’d already decided I wouldn’t try to Sway her again. If I attempted it, and it didn’t work, she’d never forgive me for the offense.
If it did work, I wouldn’t have therealRaewyn anyway. I wanted her tochooseto be with me.
The hummingbird hadn’t gotten the job done. Luckily, it was only the first of the special gifts I’d procured for her today.
I went to the other room and retrieved the small crystal bottle I’d set down on a table just inside the door.
Returning to the bedroom, I held it behind my back. “I know you don’t want any gifts, but I did get something else for you today—beforeyou told me that.”
She held up a hand, ready to refuse it before she’d even seen it. “No thank you.”
“You don’t even know what it is.”
“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s lovely and that I don’t want it.”
I brought the perfume bottle around to the front of my body and held the sparkling amber liquid up to the light.