Still, I cringed as I said, “I hate to ask you this, but would you mind retrieving my shift from the bathing room and hanging it before the fire to dry?”
He smiled. “Happily. But I can do even better. Wait right there.”
He disappeared into the adjoining room for a minute and returned with an armful of fabric, which he dropped onto the bed next to me.
Ladies clothing.
I picked up the dress and fresh shift from him, awash in gratitude. There was even a pair of frilly drawers, which I tucked behind me, blushing hotly.
“How did you manage to get all this?”
His expression was a mixture of shame and amusement. “There are many ladies staying in the palace at present. I paid a visit to the laundry and… borrowed a few items. I hope they’ll fit.”
“I don’t even care.” I pulled the bed curtains closed and quickly changed into them, grateful for the dignity they provided.
When I opened the curtains again, Stellon was waiting. His eyes roamed over me.
“They do fit,” he said in a tone I couldn’t quite decipher. His expression, though…
Apparently he approved of my outfit.
When he reached to lift me and take me to the sofa, the entire surface of my body was covered in gooseflesh.
He knows what I look like underneath these clothes.
I wasn’t sure how I was going to tolerate his near-constant presence for another week.
Casting about for distracting conversation, I asked, “How is the Assemblage going?”
“Well, I think. Meetings between the various clans have been productive. In truth, though, I’ve participated in very little of it.”
He shrugged. “Crown business doesn’t really interest me—never has, much to my father’s dismay. I’m much more interested in talking with you.”
A sharp, sweet pain pulsed in my chest. Sometimes he said the most surprising things. Things Ishouldn’tlike, but I did.
“I’m not interesting at all,” I protested.
“I disagree. Tell me what you’re passionate about.”
“Passionate?” My life consisted of chores and caretaking. I didn’t have time for passion.
“Nothing,” I answered.
“There must be something you enjoy doing above all else,” Stellon urged.
“Well… I love to read. That’s what I do with any free time I have. Usually at night for a few minutes before I put out the candles to conserve them. We go to bed early,” I said.
Stellon’s face contracted in a frown. “You enjoy reading above all else, and you do it for only a fewminutesa day?”
Suddenly, I felt self-conscious, though I had no reason to.
“My days are quite busy—usually,” I explained. “It is only in the past week I have become a ‘lady of leisure.’”
He didn’t laugh at my joke, just continued to study me with that expression of concern.
I babbled to fill the uncomfortable silence. “Besides, I have read all my books so many times I know every page by heart. After putting out the candles, I lie in my bed and imagine the scenes playing out across the stage of my mind. It’s very pleasant.”