Page 16 of Crimson Born

A respirator pumped air in and out of my friend’s lungs at a slow and steady pace, doing the work his body couldn’t do for him any longer.

Drawing close to the bed, I touched his hand lightly. “Josiah. It’s me, Abigail. I came to visit you.”

There was no response. Not even a flicker of an eyelid.

He couldn’t hear me, didn’t know I was there. The nurse hadn’t said whether he was brain dead, but something told me Josiah was gone.

I couldn’t stand it—I couldn’t let this happen. Unlike my parents, who’d had six children and might still have one or two more, Josiah’s parents had only him. No one was sure why.

It just wasn’t fair. If only I could go back to last night and switch places with him on the buggy’s front bench. I would have suffered the fatal injury instead of him.

But then, from what I could remember, my neck had been broken. It was possible I would have died on the scene if the woman hadn’t come along. I was only alive because she’d found me... and had bitten me.

I looked down at Josiah’s battered hand, so limp and lifeless in mine. What if...

One tooth on each side of my upper jawmoved.

It felt like a simultaneous tug, but the teeth didn’t fall out. Instead they lengthened until they protruded past the other teeth and parted my lips.

The nausea I’d felt earlier was replaced by a sudden, ferocious thirst.

No. You can’t.

But the mental image returned, more insistent this time. Me, lifting that hand to my mouth. Josiah opening his eyes, getting out of bed, walking, talking.


He’ll be an outcast. Like you. He’ll hate you.

But maybe he wouldn’t.

Maybe his parents wouldn’t shun their only child. Maybe they’d be so grateful to have him still with them they’d overlook his change in eye color and... diet. Maybe he’d be happy to go on existing and taking care of them.

And I wouldn’t be alone.

“You’ll never know unless you try it,” had been one of Hannah’s favorite sayings. There was no doubt in my mind if she had the chance to live again, even as a vampire, she’d take it in a heartbeat.

If only I had more time to decide. If only I actually knew some other vampires—or at least one—so I could ask if they had any regrets about turning.

From what I’d heard, some of the English actually chose to turn so they could have immortal life and greater physical power.

You can do it together. Even if he’s banished, you’ll get through it together. He wanted to marry you already.

I pushed from my mind that little voice that said I’d never wanted to marryhim.

I wasn’t even sure if biting him would work. I’d only turned last night, and I didn’t really feel any different except for my sensitivity to sunlight.

Maybe I was too weak to create another vampire. Maybe there was more to it than just biting a person.

And who even knew what the turning process would be like? I couldn’t remember anything about my own.

On the other hand, side-effects were hardly a concern at this point. Josiah was certainly going to die if I didn’t at least try it.

Behind me the glass door slid open with a swish.

Oh no.My time was up. I’d missed my chance.

“One more minute,” the nurse said.