Nick told me I had to wait until the other two potential new members either passed or failed their tests. We were all tested individually, and while our sponsors could participate, we were the ones who had to make the killing move. That was the clarification I got from Nick when I asked him why he was able to be in the room with me for Jasper but wasn’t when I took care of the women at Solitude.
I’ve been keeping an eye on the local news over the past few days but haven’t seen anything regarding the three lives I’ve taken, or any others for that matter, seeing as I knew the other potential new members would have most likely taken out an additional three people each.
When I entered my cheap studio apartment in Summerlin, I collapsed onto my bed, muscles aching from our morning training session.
Jaxon had us add two hours to our current workout, followed by an additional dance rehearsal for tonight’s show. They’ve added a special set for the holidays to mix things up, and we’ve had to learn an entirely new routine because of it.
I must have dozed off for a few hours because my phone woke me up just as the sun started setting. With a groan, I reached over, grabbed my phone, and unlocked the screen to a few new text messages from Nick.
Nick: Ceremony tonight after the show. Jaxon is canceling rehearsals for it.
Nick: Bring a suit, if you don’t have one you can borrow one of mine.
Nick: This is it, mate, you did it!
Turning off the screen, I draped my forearm over my eyes and sighed heavily. I did it. Tonight, I would officially become a member of their secret society, one of the Men Under Revue.
It wasn’t hard to get here, but it had me questioning a lot about myself and just how far I was willing to go to get what I wanted.
Turns out it was pretty far and fucked up.
A suit.Opening my eyes and dropping my arm to the side, I turned to look at my dresser across the room, which didn’t hold anything more than grey sweatpants and jeans. I didn’t have a fucking suit or the money even to afford one last minute.
Unlocking my phone, I quickly shot off a text to Nick before he left for Neon Palms.
Me: I need to borrow a suit.
A few seconds passed, and he responded.
Nick: No problem. I’ll bring an extra one with me.
That’s one less thing for me to worry about. Now I needed to get my ass in the shower and to the showroom for the evening.
Tonight my life would change, and I didn’t give a fuck what I had to do to keep it that way.
At the end ofthe show, I rushed into the locker room to find the suit Nick brought for me. As I suspected, he had impeccable taste in tailored suits. They matched his car, penthouse, and lifestyle to a tee. A Brooks Brothers Classic Fit Tic 1818 suit in grey, with a black silk tie and white dress shirt, was left hanging on my locker door.
I’ve got an hour to get ready; that’s roughly how long it will take for the rest of the blokes to finish their post-show photo and autograph session. I was surprised when I looked at the tags and found that Nick and I were very close in size. We were maybe off by just an inch or two in some areas, but the suit should fit me like a glove otherwise.
Staring at the suit and taking in every thread of fabric that I couldn’t afford, I rubbed my hands up and down my face, considering everything that would be required of me beyondtonight. Seeing that suit made everything seem more real, a lifestyle that would soon belong to me—own and control me.
“How long have you been standing there?” Nick’s voice carried over my shoulder, and I snapped out of my thoughts, turning my head to see him leaning against the second row of lockers.
“Apparently, long enough for you to finish your post-show duties.” I huffed with a weak smile.
My stomach was in knots for tonight—the ceremony. It was almost as if I was saying goodbye to a part of me I no longer wanted but thought I needed. What happens once I lose that last shred of humanity that keeps me grounded? Granted, the Men Under Revue wasn’t a secret society of blind murderers… right? They had reasons and justifications for what they did, didn’t they?
“Don’t overthink it, mate.” He stepped towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Yeah, it’s a fucked up lifestyle to most, but it comes with a life of luxury and peace of mind. That’s what you came here for, right? The life.” I mean, he wasn’t wrong. I wanted a change from what would have been my life back home, but this was a stark contrast compared to the one I had initially considered. “Not to mention the amount of pussy you’re gonna have thrown at you after all of this.” He added with a chuckle and a sly wink.
Fuck. In all of this, I hadn’t even considered what my life would be like with future relationships. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life single. Sure, I left because I didn’t want thewholesomelife back on the farm, but that didn’t mean I didn't want a full one.
One with love, passion, and fucking. Kids, maybe, a consideration I’d be open to with the right woman. But I had to find her first.
“I’ve got it, Nick. Thanks.” I sighed, reaching out and taking the suit off the locker door. “I just want to be sure this is what Iwant. Although I’m sure I can’t turn back now even if I wanted to.”