“Yes, but Quin knew her before he perfumed, and we spend holidays together, and there's never been an issue.”
“Yeah, that's not in his home, though–”
“It’s okay. I like Harlow. It’ll be nice to have another Omega around.” Quinton smiles, and through the bond, I feel his jittery excitement.
“Also, I bid on her for the Valentine’s Charity, and we are obligated to take her on four dates,” I add, snatching up the remote and turning the TV back on. “One for each of us, and one as a pack.”
“Oh, Cae,” Quin murmurs, shaking his head. “I’m sure she had some things to say about that.”
I snort, nodding my agreement. “She sure did, mate.”
Once she realizes I didn’t do it to torture her, she’ll get over it, and then some.
The streetlights flying by the window of my mom’s sporty black BMW do little to distract me from the boiling anger filling my body.
First my mother thinks telling a room full of strangers a bunch of lies about me is the best way to make them like me, and then Jack loses his bid to freaking Caelum. Now she’s driving us home, huffing about my bad attitude.
I haven’t bothered to ask if something is upsetting her, even though she’s making it obvious that she’s irritated with me. But only one of us has any right to feel angry right now, even if I did demand she take me home before she was finished socializing.
She sighs heavily, before glancing over at me.
“Firefly, I don’t understand why you’re being so sensitive right now. Your bid was the highest we received tonight. You should be thrilled with your success!” My mother’s floral scent is potent with pride and satisfaction, and it just aggravates me more.
I grind my teeth as we reach a red light, and dare a glance over at her. She’s looking at me like I’m the one in the wrong here.
“Right, because you telling the available packs that I enjoy being outdoors, and that I have a psych degree wasn’t a big deal? You made me into someone I’m absolutely not. And now I’m stuck going on four freaking dates with men you know have no interest in me! What good can possibly come from this?” I hiss, watching her with wide eyes. Is she really this delusional?
“Harlow Grace! You should consider yourself very lucky to have even been bid on by Caelum Baker. And Lachlan is a treasure. There’s no reason you won’t enjoy the dates.” She huffs. Again. Fixing her perfect hair, before turning her attention back to the road as the light turns green.
“And Quinton? Their mated Omega?” I don’t mention that she completely ignored what I said about her lying about me. Clearly she doesn’t feel the need to defend herself. She waves the comment about Quin off with a dismissive hand.
“Never mind all that. I have a gift for you, my ungrateful menace of a child,” she sighs dramatically, shooting me a side look with a teasing smile. I’m the menace?
“Where do you think I get my irritating personality, mother?” I sass as we pull into the gated community of my childhood pack home. “And what gift?” I ask, squinting at her, not even bothering to hide my suspicion.
“Well, Firefly, your fathers and love you dearly, but we’d like to have our house back…” She chuckles, but I don’t smile. Waiting for whatever the hell she’s about to lob at me next. “Ican imagine that you are more than ready to be on your own. And I know you’re tired of borrowing my car. Always leaving it messy…” She just has to add that last bit. “I found you a place to rent, well within budget and walking distance from that job of yours.”
The smug look on her face as we come to a stop in front of the house should have been a warning sign. But desperation makes fools out of all of us…
“You’re joking, right?” I desperately wanted out from under my parents’ thumb, but I need a solid plan as an unmated Omega, and this feels like a trick… “What's the catch?”
“There’s no catch,” she scoffs, getting out of the driver's seat, and I follow her, feeling dazed.
My dads have already gathered around her in the foyer by the time I rush in through the door.
The squeal of delight as I internally celebrate leaving this house echoes in the vaulted ceilings as I throw my arms around my mom. This is so very unlike her, but fuck, I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I frown a little at that thought though. The fuck does that even mean? I shake the thought off, focusing on my mother.
“Thank you. Seriously, thank you, Mom.” When I pull back, releasing her and catch the raised eyebrow on both of my dads’ faces, I can’t help but giggle. They aren’t used to me thanking my mother. I hug her often though. She’s a pain in my ass, but she gives good hugs…
“I am guessing your mother told you about the rental, Firefly?” My dad Max has an arm around my mother as he meets my eyes. With darker blonde hair and brown eyes, he’s the tallest of my family.
“I was not expecting you to be in such a good mood after the auction, bug. Did you get a pack date with someone you like?” Dad Daniel asks, a smirk on his face and dancing green eyes ashe looks between us. His penchant for practical jokes and not taking things seriously has me suspicious for a moment before I decide to celebrate the good.
“I sold well according to mother and yes, she did tell me about the rental. Thank all that is holy.” I catch the huff of frustration before I interrupt what is sure to be an amazing conversation. “While this has been great, this girl has got some packing to do. Thank you!”
I dash up the staircase to the echo of my dads’ laughs. The comfort of my childhood bedroom aside, I am ready for the next adventure.