His body is shaking, and he looks ready to fall apart. I fucking hate it.
The silence stretches on so long that our mothers seem to realize that maybe they've said something wrong… Especially now that Quin is out here, too.
I saw the way their eyes widened when he stepped into the room. Did they think he was fucking gone or something?
Did they think I was replacing him in this pack? That I was Lachlan and Cae's new Omega?
“You're fucking kidding me, right?” I finally snap, no longer able to hold my tongue. Not about this, not about anything… Not ever again. “I've put up with a lot over the years because you two mean a lot to me.” I step away from Cae, and he reluctantly releases his hold on me. Thankfully, he doesn't need any prompting and immediately moves to Quin's side.
Even in the face of his mother's scrutiny, he would never abandon his Omega.
A fact that fills me with pride.
Lachlan seems torn, like he isn't sure whether he should comfort Quin or have my back.
It only takes him a few seconds to realize that in this moment, Quin needs his Alpha.
Their scents spike, reaching out to comfort Quin. It's not quite enough to quell the raging anger inside of me, however.
I have never been so sick of my mother's shit.
Marissa, Caelum’s mother, has the absolute fucking gall to look confused.
“Harlow–” she starts, but I cut her off.
“No. Absolutely not.”
I'm more than happy to take the full brunt of their anger. Their hostility.
Not that either of them should be hostile or angry. No, that's reserved for us.
The kids that they've spent so many years trying so hard to push together that they ended up pushing us apart.
What could have happened if there wasn't this rivalry between Cae and me? Would he have come to me when we were in high school and told me what the other boys had been planning?
Instead of spreading insane rumors about me because he thought I would never believe any word out of his mouth?
Would I have had the bravery to tell them about my feelings sooner? Not just how I felt about Cae in the beginning but how my feelings developed for Quin too. About how attracted I was to Lachlan?
How Quinton’s scent made me feel half feral with need every time I spent more than a couple of minutes in his presence as we got older. Well, more like a couple of seconds, honestly.
“I'm ready to say a bunch of things that can never be taken back. Most of them would be said in anger, and while some of those things might be true, I don't enjoy being cruel and hurtful. Though, if I did, it would seem I got it from my mother,” I scoff, shaking my head. “I used to think that you were just strong and hard-headed. Pushy because you were confident. Now, I don't think I know you at all. Not the good things about you, anyway.”
“Harlow!” This time it's my mother who snaps my name, the tears in her eyes actually make my heart ache. Funny how that happens. She spent years not giving a single shit about my feelings or how she makes me feel, but the second my words hurt her, it feels like I've been stabbed in the chest.
“I'm gonna leave now before I say anything else… Because somehow the woman whose words always seem to cut me deepest, is also the same person who told me not to say something if I don't have anything nice to say.” I push past them toward the apartment door, grabbing my keys on my way by. I don't have anywhere to go, but I'll find somewhere. Anywhere is better than here at this point. “I suggest that you make it up to them while I'm gone. You not only owe Quin an apology, but maybe consider begging them for your forgiveness, so they don't cut you out of their lives completely.”
“Wait…” my mother tries to stop me with a delicate hand on my arm. I shake her off, stopping at the entryway table to grab my purse before stepping forward and grabbing the door handle.
“No, Mom. Because despite what you might think is best for me or best for them… I'm not a part of their pack. I am not their Omega. I'm unmated and unbonded. They are a unit.” I point to the three men still standing in the hallway.
The looks on their faces speak volumes for what they're no doubt feeling right now. I can see their pain, and I can practically feel their heartache.
But I can also see, pride? Admiration…
I think maybe they're grateful to me for sticking up for them and their mate.
I nod to them before turning away and walking out the door, slamming it shut behind me.