“Don't want to,” Quin’s arm only tightens around me, and when he nuzzles my neck, breathing in my scent, I whimper.
Why is he doing this?
He has an Alpha. He even has Lachlan, even if they are in a weird place right now.
He's trying to torture me. No… That's very unlike Quin. Cae, maybe. But never Quin.
“You have to ask before you climb into her bed, Quin.” Cae chuckles. “Even if her scent is telling us she’s enjoying the snuggles.” I can’t see him, but I can hear the humor in his tone. So glad one of us is entertained.
“Shit, I'm doing it again,” Quin grumbles, releasing me suddenly, cold air replacing the warmth of his body in an instant. I remain still. Hopefully neither of them noticed the whine. Or if they did, they both assume it was done in my sleep. Because now that he’s no longer holding me, I’m ready to cry. I want to spin around and demand he keep holding me…
He started this… It’s only fair.
Quin climbs out of my bed with help from Caelum, and the soft sound of their retreating footsteps leaving my room shouldn't make my chest ache with loneliness, but I want them both to come back.
To hold me between them. To soothe that missing piece of my soul that tells me I belong.
Bullshit wishful thinking.
Still I fling my blanket off my body, rip the sheet off my bed, along with my pillow, and drag them into my nest.
I curl up with them on top of the blanket the Alpha gifted me earlier tonight, and whine.
It’s a pathetic, lonely sound, and tears sting my eyes.
Gah! Damn male Omegas, and their delicious scents. Damn Alphas, and their sexy growls and dominance…
Damn men!
Chapter Five
I’m washing this blanket, damn it. I will not keep curling up in the scent of Cae and Quin. I have to leave for work soon, but… I’m going to wash my bedding! If I’m not careful, I’ll go into my heat surrounded by their scents in the middle of their apartment. I can feel it coming already.
I know it’s close, but there is still time. I just need to be careful…
I stomp into my closet and snatch up the sheet I stuffed in my nest last night. The second my hand wraps around my door knob, I freeze.I can’t do this…
Fine! I’ll keep the sheet. But I’m washing the blanket!
I grab the comforter, and stomp across the hall to the laundry room, and drop it on the floor. I’ll start the load after my shower. I’m not taking a cold shower, but I want the overwhelming scent out.
I power through my shower, get dressed quickly, and sit on the edge of my bed to put my work shoes on, when there’s a knock on my door.
“Harlow?” a soft voice asks. I’m surprised that Quin is already up. He usually sleeps in a little later than the ass crack of the morning that I have to get up at.
“Come in,” I say, as I pull my socks on. The bedroom door slips open, and Quin peeks inside. He’s disheveled and adorable, and I can’t help but smile.
“I brought you a gift. I wanted to apologize for last night…” Quinton winces, tipping his head as his cheeks turn pink, and he sits down beside me on the bed.
“You don’t have to do that–”
“It was rude. I crawled into your bed without your permission and wrapped myself around you…” Quin shakes his head, looking down. “I’m sorry, Harlow.”
“You’re forgiven,” I shrug, bumping his shoulder with mine.
Quin hands me the box he’s been holding. It’s a heart shaped box of chocolates. Pink with a cute bow.
“Thank you,” I murmur, pulling the lid off. “Naughty Chocolates Sex Game,” I say, and then see the wordssuck cock, at the bottom of the empty chocolate spot as I pick a piece up. “Oh, now that’s funny…” I giggle as I show Quin the chocolates he got me are actually a sex game.