It's a little bit chilly, and I can feel my nipples hardening, the fabric of my shirt rubbing against the sensitive skin. Walking around the island, I stop a few feet from the Omega whose presence rattles my senses.
Quin's gaze drops to my chest and remains there. The desire in his scent hits me, causing slick to drench my thong. I barely hold in the sound of my whimper, and I don't even try to control the way that my scent responds to Quin.
They want to play with fire? I'll be their fucking Fireball.
Cae clears his throat, taking his hand off the microwave, before stepping between Quin and me, cutting off his mate's view of me.
With him standing so close, the intensity of his scent washes through my system like a drug. My lips part as I glance up at him. Cae smirks, flashing that same cocky look as always.
“You're hardly playing fair. You brought titties to a cock fight.” Then he shocks the ever loving fuck out of me, by lifting his hand and pinching my nipple. I gasp, my scent thick in the air as it ripens.
My reaction to his sudden touch is obvious. Pure lust.
I might want to choke this Alpha with my bare hands, but I also want to ride his face as he eats me out. Better use of that mouth, honestly…
Which is never going to happen.
“You should know I love a dirty fight.” Cae leans down and nips my earlobe, only messing my system up even more.
As he returns to his task, I join Quin, keeping my eyes down, refusing to meet his inquisitive gaze.
“Why don't you pat them dry, so the chocolate will stick,” Quin says, passing me a roll of paper towels and nodding to the strawberries.
The heady smell of chocolate and strawberries coming from both the food and my own traitorous response fills the air around us as I start my task.
We spend the next twenty minutes meticulously assembling a dozen chocolate covered strawberries, sprinkling some with the colorful sprinkles, our combined scents flooding the small space between us, but no one says anything.
Not even when Cae removed his shirt because he got a little chocolate on it.
Or when Quin used his thumb to spread some across his bottom lip and had Cae lick it off…
I came out here with the intention to fight dirty, but I didn't expect them to call my bluff. That has to be what they're doing, right? Calling my bluff. Daring me to embarrass myself in front of them.
I was so distracted, I forgot about my untouched glass of wine. I don't want it anymore, though. The last thing I should do right now is add fuel to this fire by getting tipsy.
I grab the glass, intending to dump it down the drain, but Quin grabs it, taking several gulps.
“Sorry. Needed something to take the edge off,” he says with a playful smile, as he gives me my drink back. The curling tips of his black hair across his forehead have my fingers itching to reach out to push the strands back.
Before the impulse can take hold, I glance back at the glass in my hand. At this point, it's only got a few sips left, so I finish it off and place it in the sink.
“Why don't you two go cuddle up on the couch under Quin's new blanket? You're looking a bit chilled, Harlow. I'll clean up the mess in here,” Cae offers. I'm still trying to formulate a protest when Quin starts herding me toward the couch.
He's got me tucked into his side, his blanket across my lap, before I even get a response out.
“Today was perfect. The best day I've had in months, Harlow. All because of you.” The press of Quinton’s lips against the side of my head makes me shiver, especially because Cae was just sucking his lip clean of chocolate.
“You deserve to be happy, Quin.”
“So do you.”
Quin holds me close, his warmth sweeping into me. The heaviness of the last few days is getting to me, and even though I know I shouldn't, I can't resist falling asleep in Quin’s arms.
“Wake up, sleepy Omegas…” A warm hand caressing my cheek pulls me from the sexy dreams I was having. I yawn, blinking my eyes open, and sit up. “They’re ready to taste.” Cae says with a gentle smile, holding up a plate of the desserts we made together.
“You should take the first bite…” Quin keeps his arm tucked around my waist, and I can’t help but lean against him a little more.
What does Cae think of his Omega cuddling me in front of him?