His emotions hit me hard as he scoops his Omega up, and I avert my eyes, trying not to burn with jealousy. Jesus, he’s radiating desire. Quinton, of course, also feels his Alpha’s emotional state and reacts immediately.

Caelum drags him away, shooting me one of his sexy smirks and a wink as he goes.

It makes my chest tighten, knowing what they're about to go do. There's really no way to deny it, especially when their scents hit me.

I don't rush through the rest of my meal, even though Caelum starts making obscene sex noises on the other side of their bedroom door down the fucking hallway.

Quin sounds like he's attempting to be quiet, at least.

I whine, completely against my will. Fantastic. Being an Omega is lovely sometimes. Like when you’re so fucking horny you think you’ll implode, and the man you’ve been crushing on since high school is getting dicked down by his Alpha in your new apartment.

Thankfully, Lachlan walks in, providing the perfect distraction. He works odd hours, and this is the first time I’m seeing him today.

“Damn. Smells great in here.” Lachlan takes a deep breath as he tosses his keys down, and I take another bite of pasta. Does he mean the food or the lingering Alpha and Omega scents from his pack mates? They share a bond, so unless the other two locked their connection down, he’d be feeling everything they are. I glance down at the front of his jeans. Damn. His hoodie is too long. Can’t see anything. Boo.

“Quin cooked. Thank fuck. I was about to make ramen noodles,” I grumble. I’m most comfortable around Lachlan one on one. Quin is the easiest to talk to, but the desire to fuck him is overwhelming and distracting.

Caelum makes me want to punch his smug Alpha face every time he opens his mouth. But Lachlan is safer.

Sure, I still want to rip his clothes off, but not in the same feral way I do with Quin. I guess just knowing he already has an Omega, and certainly won’t want me, makes him feel like less of a threat to my heart?

Don’t ask me why the same can’t be said for Quin. Maybe because the Omega male was the only thing that made many moments trapped with family more bearable… Or maybe it’s the desperate way he looks at me, tricking my mind into thinking he wants things he doesn’t.

I finish off my wine and pretend I can’t hear Caelum grunting. Lachlan serves himself a plate of food, pausing mid-scoop to glance over his shoulder, eyebrows raised.

“Ah. Caelum is being Caelum, I see.”

“Unfortunately. There’s wine as well.” I try to take another bite, but the scents, sounds, and pheromones wafting out of the guys’ room and into the rest of the apartment have my instinctsgoing nuts. Can’t even take a deep breath to try and steady myself because all I can smell is them.

The scent of my slick joins the fucking party, and I squeeze my eyes shut. Stop thinking about Quin.Stop imagining him sucking Caelum’s cock. Stop wishing you were sucking his…

“So, virgin, huh?” Lachlan asks, and I nearly spit out my noodles as he takes a seat beside me. “Not a lot of Omegas who make it to twenty without taking at least one knot.”

“Are you always this crass with an Omega you only see at holidays? When you’re forced to suffer my presence? We’re basically strangers at this point.”

“We’re not strangers at all, Harlow.” Fuck me, when did he start saying my name like that? All throaty. Like he’s groaning it as he fucks me… Fucking hell, those two horny fuckers down the hall are really screwing my head up. “We’re roommates now. And I would hardly say I was forced to be in your presence, let alone suffering.”

“If you say so,” I sigh.

He pours more wine into my glass before serving some for himself, then turns the small TV on. He sets it to a music channel and turns the volume up enough to almost drown out the sex noises.

“Remind me to murder my mother,” I snarl, when one of them, Quin, I’m guessing, moans loudly. I shift in my seat, hating the slick that answers the call that no one is fucking making.

No one’s trying to fuck you, damn it. I scold my vagina and take a couple large gulps of wine.

“They can go for a while. You might want to invest in some headphones. I’ll let you borrow mine tonight.” Lachlan pulls a small set of earbuds out of his pocket and hands them to me.

“Thank you!” I’m staring hard at Lachlan as he chuckles, taking a bite of his pasta. He does what I did and moans.

The horny, lonely Omega inside me responds, and I lean forward at the sound. Before I can act on the instincts, I sip my wine to distract myself, shaking away the images that sound invoked.

“They should buy sound proofing…” I grumble after another loud moan, followed by a distinct Omega whine. Quin’s slick is heavy in the air out here, so I know it must be flooding their shared bedroom.

“They didn’t need any before you moved in,” Lachlan says simply. So, Lachlan isn’t bothered by the sounds of their fucking? But he doesn’t join them?

“Quin said you and he aren’t intimate. The sound of them fucking doesn’t mess with your instincts? You aren’t tempted to go in there?” Maybe the wine is finally hitting me because why did I just ask that?

“We aren’t. Quin hasn’t shown any interest.” He shrugs, and I stare at him with a look on my face that I hope says, ‘Are you really that dense?’ “What?” he asks, when he catches me.