Because the guys live so close to a busier part of the city, it's easy for me to find different shops and stores to wander through.
I don't have a lot of money saved up after losing my job, but I can afford little trinkets here and there.
At one point, I see a small glass figurine of a mushroom. Its stem is neon blue, and the head is hot pink. The polka dots are purple.
It's only a few inches big, but it's cute as heck, and I think Quin would like it. After I pay for it, I head next door to the bookshop. I'm not a big reader, but I do enjoy bookstores. This one's a bigger chain store, so it doesn't smell as good as an older bookstore, but it's still nice.
After I grab myself a coffee, I spend some time just wandering through the different sections of the bookstore.
I'm not really paying attention to the people around me or even what I'm looking at. My mind is still back at the apartment.
I'm worried about Quin. About how he's feeling after what he heard Marissa and my mother say.
I wanted to stay, to comfort him. I wanted to make sure the Alphas were okay as well. Lachlan looked pissed, and Cae was so upset.
I'm glad that they chose to comfort Quin, rather than follow after me.
I'm still wearing the outfit I wore to go skating, but thankfully, I left my oversized winter jacket in Lachlan’s car before we grabbed the ice cream, so I don’t look completely out of place.
I always get cold when I'm inside a store, so I'm glad at least that I'm still wearing a long sleeve shirt, even if I do feel a little bit silly in the tights and skirt.
The outfit was cute for ice skating, slightly less cute for walking around a bookstore.
I also feel like the beginning stages of my preheat are creeping in. The random flashes of heat that keep the chill at bay and the intense need to steal the guy's laundry…
I'm startled out of my thoughts when someone says my name behind me.
“Harlow!” The masculine voice is familiar, but I don't place it right away. I spin around to find Jack and his pack smiling at me.
“Oh, hi!” I smile politely but keep my distance. Now that I have spent so much time surrounded by Quin, Lach, and Cae's scents, Jack smells significantly less tolerable.
It was never really appealing, but I didn't hate it before. Now, I think maybe I hate it, especially because it reminds me of being outdoors.
Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the walk I took to get to the stores, but I have no desire to spend my days outdoors.
Every once in a while is fine, fun even, but every single day?
Jack and his pack need an Omega who love their scents as much as I love Quinton, Lachlan, and Caelum’s.
“Join us for lunch?” Jack offers as he moves in closer. I instinctively take a step away from him. I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't want to get any closer to his scent.
“Oh, no, that's okay. But thank you for the offer.” I smile politely, nodding my head before turning back to the books I was sort of looking at earlier. I really wasn't paying much attention to what was there, though. I wince. Somehow I made it to the romance section.
All these books do is remind me of the guys back at the apartment.
What are they doing right now?
Are they comforting Quin? With their cocks?
I blush at the thought, embarrassed that my mind immediately went to sex.
It's really not my fault, though, after all the dirty ways those men have touched me. Except Cae.
I thought that Jack and his pack had walked away. Since I rejected their offer of lunch, I assumed they'd move on.