Page 46 of Royally Benevolent

I didn’t mean for it to come off so sharp, but it did. I watched Wyatt’s face twist in concern or confusion. I couldn’t tell which.

“See you in the morning.”

I retreated in defeat. Since my ex, I’d had no luck. I hadn’t even looked at another man until Wyatt. I’d been relatively happy—satisfied with my dog, bike, and music. I’d told myself it was enough. Then,I got excited.

“You never should have believed in it,” I whispered. “It was stupid to think he would end up with you.”

Tears welled as I approached my hotel suite. Security rushed ahead to open the door for me. There, waiting, was Grieg. In his mouth, he held one of my socks—the sweetest peace offering. I sat, crying now, and hugged him. He crawled into my lap, licking the salty tears from my cheeks.

“At least I have you,” I said. “At least you’ll never leave me, right?”




“See you in the morning.”

Odette turned away on her heels with military precision. Confused, I looked over at Mary. Everything was fine… until it wasn’t. I’d asked an organiser if we could be at Mary’s table because I thought Odette would enjoy talking to her idol. Now, Odette left in a huff. She claimed she had a headache, but that didn’t track. She looked upset.

“Was it something I said?” I asked.

Mary smirked. “You haven’t gotten better at this with age, have you?”


“It was whatIsaid,” Mary said. “I think I upset her. I am sorry.”

“How? She loves you. She thinks you’re so ‘cool’.”

“Wyatt, I think she sees me as competition.”

“For what?” I was even more confused.

“Foryou. Are you really that dense? You’re hopeless! This is why Isla had to make the first move. Remember how I joked that I thought she’d have to hire a skywriter?”

“Yes, but I always thought that was stupid. We got drunk at a party andslept together.”

“You two were always running in the same circles—for months. It was painful watching her throw herself at you while you ignored her. You underestimate your appeal.”

“She was always too good for me,” I chuckled.

“We both pick women we don’t deserve. But in your case, you somehow manage to keep them.”

“You sell yourself short,” I assured. “I amsureOdette is just having a headache.”

I didn’t buy it, but I also didn’t think Odette liked me—not like that.

“Wyatt, she has a crush on you. A huge crush!”

“I doubt it. She thought we were interested in one another—she teased me about it. I assured her I wasn’t your type.”


“Shit. Was shejealous?” Mary might be right.

“Yes. I think I cockblocked you, Wy. That is, if you’reinterestedin dipping a toe into that pool. Maybe you don’t want to? Although I did once dip my toe into a royal pool, and it wasn’t bad.”