“If he’s like Karolina and Christophe, he will snack more,” Odette said. “I mean it. I’d love it if you would come and break up the couple monotony with me. I feel like a total fifth wheel. And Rick likes you. You’ll get on with Parker, I’d bet.”
Theo pointed at my phone. “Who is that?”
“Odette,” I answered.
He reached for my phone. “Let me talk to her.”
“No, bud, I’m talking to her right now.”
“Oh, is that Theo? Tell him hello,” Odette said in the sweetest voice.
How could I say no?
“Sure. I don’t know how long I will stay. It depends on him.”
“Of course,” Odette said, sounding happy. “But we’d love to see you.”
“Sure,” I agreed. “Give me about fifteen, and I’ll be over.”
I began to pack up, doubting everything, when I realised I wasn’t dressed for this. I panicked and called back.
“So, like… what are we supposed to wear?”
Odette giggled. “Clothes, Wyatt. Clothes are good. It’s not a formal dinner. No one is dressed up. We’re not like that. Rick wouldn’t put up with it.”
“Oh, okay. Because my kid is wearing paint stains.”
“He will fit right in with Kari. She’s never clean.”
That satisfied my curiosity and calmed my worries. I packed my child, an extra change of clothes, and snacks in case things got hairy. Then, I drove to the gates, unsure how they would know it was me. Somehow, they waved me through without question. This was all so strange.
The palace was opulent, cavernous, and dark. I didn’t understand why you’d choose to live in this sort of museum, but what did I know? I did my best to ensure my son didn’t break a priceless artefact. A man in a crisp black suit took Theo and me to “The Family Dining Room”. Two other men in even more ridiculous outfits opened doors as we entered.
“Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, and Your Grace, Mr Wyatt Worthington and Master Theodore Worthington,” the first guy announced.
It was all so silly and archaic. I did a little bow. I was sure it was fucked, but I had no idea what to do. How did you greet a queen and her court?
The Queen stood. “Mr Worthington and dear little Theo, thank you for coming. We are ready to begin with dinner, Lucien.”
“Ouais, madame.” The man bowed and left.
Odette slowly rose and approached us. Theo rushed to her, beamed up despite his shyness, and immediately made eye contact.
“Oh, you came,” Odette said, “Come, let me introduce you to everyone.”
She smiled back, not completely ignoring me, but focused on getting Theo settled between Crown Princess Linnea and her youngersister Princess Karolina, who was the same age. The children chattered, instantly giggling about something. They were just kids. In a way, it was beautiful. Theo now had kids to talk to in French. To my surprise, this made him oh-so-happy.
“He’s darling as ever,” Odette returned to me. “Come on.”
She led me to a seat across from a man I barely recognised. This had to be Princess Astrid’s British fiancé. He was quiet, not particularly ostentatious, and not what I expected.
“Rick, you know Wyatt. Wyatt, this is Alexandra, my sister. And Wyatt, this is my sister Astrid and her fiancé Parker.”
“You’re the American bloke?” Parker asked. “The one who likes trains?”
I wasn’t sure if that was a neg.
“Uh… yes?”