Her use of his honorific in public was another sign of just how upset Kenzie was and he couldn’t stand to see her hurting. He wanted to take the pain from her and endure it himself. Or, better yet, fix it.

“Come on, little ones.” He reached down and took each of their hands, helping them to stand from the ground, “We have a shop owner to talk to.”


Kenzie wasn’t one hundred percent sure what was happening, but Sebastian led them to the door of the candy store with purposeful steps and a determined expression. Despite how upset she was, Kenzie could appreciate the fact he was hot as hell this way.

Once they reached the entrance, Kenzie hesitated. She really didn’t want to go in there right now. She was too ashamed and embarrassed. She’d never had any disciplinary action at work before. She strived to exceed expectations because she loved the store and its customers, and she loved working in such a cheerful and positive atmosphere. It didn’t feel cheerful and positive right now and she desperately wanted to avoid it.

Stopping in his tracks when Kenzie’s sudden halt caused her to tug his hand, Papi faced her and said simply, “Trust me, princess.”

Kenzie realized she did indeed trust him. She trusted Papi and Daddy completely. Somewhere along the line she’d lost her hesitation and worry over things going badly. They’d never hurther, and she loved them. So, she nodded her head and allowed him to lead her in.

They didn’t stop, Papi didn’t look around, he took them straight to the register where Annie had taken over Kenzie’s shift. He didn’t waste a second as he stopped directly in front of Annie.

“I have some information you may be interested in. We really need to talk immediately.”

Annie looked startled at first, but after seeing Papi’s serious expression, she nodded and headed to put theback in ten minutessign they used for bathroom breaks on the door. Annie waved an arm to point down the hall, indicating they should lead the way to her office.

Once settled, Papi dived right in and tilted Kenzie’s world. “Kenzie isn’t your culprit. She’s been framed and I can prove it.”

What the…What?

Papi explained to Annie about not trusting Nicole from the moment he’d seen her by saying, “She was suddenly a bit too friendly when Kenzie said she’d always been a loner before. It also seemed insincere. She gave fake smiles and forced laughs. At least, that’s the way it seemed to me. When I’d asked Kenzie about Nicole after first meeting her, the things Kenzie said didn’t add up with Nicole’s sudden change in demeanor.”

Nicole? He thinks Nicole has something to do with this?

Papi talked a few more minutes to Annie, explaining the fact that Nicole had offered to finish closing duties for Kenzie on multiple occasions, including making sure the till was balanced for the next shift.

“You said you have proof of this?” Annie sounded and looked skeptical, with scrunched brows and pursed lips.

Papi didn’t answer verbally. Instead, he pulled a phone from his pocket, tapped a few buttons on the screen and rocked Kenzie’s world for a second time in a short while when hepressed a final button, and a recording began to play of Nicole offering to balance the money for the next shift.

“It’s dated and time stamped.” He explained before playing recording after recording. He must have recorded each instance of it happening since the very first one.

No wonder he’d made a point of asking each time he picked her up if she’d completed her closing procedures. He’d been checking to see if he should record the shift change or not. He’d taken precautions and he’d done it all to protect her.

“I love you, both of you,” she blurted unintentionally.

She hadn’t meant to tell them here, or in front of her boss. She wasn’t thrilled with the timing or the atmosphere, but she wouldn’t take the words back. Shedidlove them. She decided sheespeciallywouldn’t regret the words when Sebastian slowly turned his face in her direction, an adoring look blending with the complete joy on his face as he told her, “I love you too, princess. More than I ever could have imagined.”

When her Daddy spoke up despite their audience, and declared, “I love you both,” she thought her world was complete. But when the men rose from their seats and sandwiched her in an embrace, with Papi and then Daddy kissing the life out of her, she knew she’d found everything she’d ever need.

A sniffle from the direction of the office desk interrupted the intense moment as Annie wiped a tear from her eye and smiled widely. “That’s beautiful,” she declared.

It settled Kenzie’s mind to know she didn’t judge them or find the fact that they all loved each other strange.

“Y’all go on. Kenzie, take the rest of the day off but I’ll see you tomorrow. That is, as long as you don’t want to quit now. You don’t, do you?”

Wrapping her arms around each of her Daddies’ waist, Kenzie smiled widely and called out, “See you tomorrow, boss lady,” over her shoulder as they led her from the room.



“Alittle to the left.”

Kenzie watched Papi adjust her favorite—and first ever—diamond art picture according to her instructions. She’d finished it almost a year ago. It was funny that her broken heart was what had spurred her to create it. Now, the same man who’d broken her heart had fixed it and filled it with so much love and joy, she could hardly contain it. He’d also brought someone else into their lives who fulfilledthem both and completed them both in ways she hadn’t realized they’d needed.